1) Me and My Family

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//just a disclaimer I changed Willy Wonkas age, so he is around 25 years old//

My name is Skylar bucket I'm a young adult female. I have dark chocolate brown hair with natural lighter highlights, that is shoulder length.

I have light brown eyes, a few freckles, and a pretty average-looking face compared to the billions of beautiful women around the world

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I have light brown eyes, a few freckles, and a pretty average-looking face compared to the billions of beautiful women around the world.
I am humble for what I have and for the people in my life, I love children, especially my little brother Charlie. I have two jobs, I work at a news shop during the mornings and a little in the afternoon. I also babysit which usually happens in the late afternoons.

I come from a very loving family, we aren't rich, nor powerful, nor well-connected. We barely have enough to eat. In my family, I have Charlie my little brother, my beautiful mother who taught me important lessons, my father who works in a toothpaste factory, placing toothpaste caps on and who will always see me as his baby girl no matter what age I am and both of my grandparents who tell us such interesting stories about their lives and they never ceased to make us laugh.

Yes, I love my family a lot and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. My family and I live in a house that is a ramshackle and tilted considering it was built on a slant. Now I'm gonna tell you a story about my special brother, who became the luckiest boy in the world, even if he didn't know it, and maybe I found something along the way.

"Come on Emily time for bed," I said happily
The little girl ran towards me in her pj's, she then wrapped her little arms around my legs, I giggled at this, she was such a precious flower.
"Common sweetie time for bed" I picked her up so she was sitting on my hip and I carried her to her bedroom which was pink. I placed her in the bed gently.

"But I'm not tired" she pouted crossing her arms in front of her.
"Oh really" I smile mischievously
"Here comes the tickle monster," I said attacking the little girl's sides with my fingers, causing the little girl to start squirming and burst into laughter. I tickled her a little bit more on her stomach then her feet. I stopped tickling her allowing her to catch her breath.
"You tired now", Emily nods her head, still smiling.

I handed her favourite brown teddy bear, she slowly took it from my hands and hugged it closer to her chest. She closed her eyes and instantly fell asleep. I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face, I took her blankets and placed them gently over her so she keeps warm.

I got up and walked to the living room, I grabbed my bag, opening it I took out a book that I was currently reading. I was reading for a few minutes before I heard the opening of the front door, I got up and placed my book inside my bag again.

I watched as a couple walked through the door still busy arguing and yelling at each other. I really didn't want to intrude but I had to get home, I cleared my throat and the angry individuals snapped their heads towards me.
"I'm sorry sir and ma'am but I think it's time for me to leave," I asked politely.

Golden heart ~ Willy Wonka ✔️Where stories live. Discover now