6) Nut sorting

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"Without the boat, we'll have to move double-time to keep on schedule. There's far too much to see."Willy explained as we walked down an echoey hallway, I stayed with grandpa joe and allowed Charlie to walk beside Willy in the front.

"Mr.Wonka?" Charlie said trying to grab Willy's attention, and it worked.
"Yeah? "
"Why did you decide to let people in? " Charlie asked.

"So they could see the factory, of course. " Willy said a bit nervous.
"But why now? And why only five? " Charlie persisted before Willy can answer Mike asked him a question.
"What's the special prize, and who gets it? "

"The best kind of prize is a surprise. " Willy said after some thought and added in a weird laugh in the end.
"Will Violet always be a blueberry? " Veruca said as she shoved her way next to Willy.

"No. Maybe. I don't know. That's what you get from chewing gum all day. It's disgusting. " Willy announced.
"If you hate gum so much, why do you make it? " mike asked
"Once again, you shouldn't mumble. It's starting to bum me out. "
"Can you remember the first candy you ever ate? " Charlie asked

"No. " Willy said as he stopped and stares at what was in front of him, but he appeared to have zoned out again. After a few seconds Willy started to come back to us then realizing what happened he apologized with a slightly daze look."I'm sorry, I was having a flashback."

"I see." Mr salt said as he held Veruca shoulders and pulled her away from Willy.
"These flashbacks happen often? " Mr Teevee asked in suspicion

"Increasingly... today. " Willy said slightly drowsy and began to walk forward again. We then walked by a door labelled the Nut sorting Room.

Mr Salt began to talk causing all of us to stop in front of the room.
"This is a room I know all about. For you see, Mr Wonka, l, myself, am in the nut business." He says as he hands Willy who was staring at the room door his business card, but when he turns his head away Willy quickly tosses the card behind him while still looking at the door.
"Are you using the Havermax 4000 to do your sorting? " Mr salt asked being very formal.

"No. You're really weird. " willy says as he laughs in between. He then proceeded to open the circular door and lead us in.

 He then proceeded to open the circular door and lead us in

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