8) Charlie wins

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Willy let out a breathe, "on with the tour" he said as we walked down the steps towards the exit. The lights were switch off.

Willy took off his goggles and turned around to face us.
"There's still so much left to see. Now, how many children are left? "

"Mr.Wonka, Charlie's the only one left now. " grandpa joe said as the three of us took off our goggles. I looked down and saw that Charlie had a huge smile on his face I looked up and smiled up at Willy.

"You mean, you're the only one?" He asked
in shocked.
"Yes. " Charlie whispered

"What happened to the others?" He said but then a smile appeared on his face as he grabbed Charlie's hand and began to shake it.

"Oh, my dear boy, but that means you've won.
Oh, I do congratulate you. I really do. I'm absolutely delighted. I had a hunch right from the beginning. Well done. Now, we mustn't dilly or dally. We have an enormous number of things to do before the day's out. "
Willy carries on shaking Charlie's hand as he spoke but then pulled Charlie's hand out of his

Willy turned around swiftly,
"But luckily for us, we have the great glass elevator to speed things along—" Willy got cut off when he face-planted right into the closed doors of the elevator. But he got up afterwards. "—Speed things along. " he finished off slightly dazed.

"Come on," he said as he pressed a button that opened the elevator. We all put our goggles into the bin before stepping into the elevator. Once were all in Willy pressed something called "UP AND OUT"

"Up and Out? What kind of room is that? " I asked looking up at the man.
"Hold on," he instructed, the elevator began to move again but it only moved upwards and it didn't show any signs of slowing down.
"Oh, my goodness. We're gonna need to go much faster, otherwise, we'll just never breakthrough." Willy said in concern

"Breakthrough what? " Charlie asked

"I've been longing to press that button for years. Well, here we go. Up and out." Willy said with delight.
"But do you really mean," grandpa asked
"Yeah. I do. " Willy confirmed

"But it's made of glass. It'll smash into a million pieces. " grandpa tried to convince him. Willy just continued to laugh, I looked up and saw we were fast approaching the glass.

The impact of the elevator and the glass caused the elevator to jerk a bit, But nothing dangerous, the elevator was shot up to a point where we went through some clouds, the elevator came to a stop before starting to plummet downwards.

Willy was smiling and I regretted looking down because I could see how far we were from the ground and how quickly the ground was coming to us. I froze.

I had a fear of heights especially falling from them and I guess I was so distracted when we were going around in the elevator I didn't notice the heights until now.

I heard a ding before we jerked upwards,
in the process, I ended up falling into Willy who had wrapped his arms around me while I had my hands on his chest.

We slowly pulled away and I accidentally looked down again to see that we are very very far away from the ground. The fear took over so quickly, It felt like my lungs weren't working.

I think Willy Noticed my predicament and asked. "Skylar are you ok?" I could hear the concern in his voice.

"Ahhh yes, no, not really a fan of heights and I regret looking down ...... wow we are height," I said as I tried to take some breaths but failed miserably.

What I didn't expect was for Willy to wrap his arms around me and bring me closer to him to a point where we are smooshed together. His embrace made me feel warm. "Your gonna be ok, focus on my voice," Willy said and I'm surprised because it actually worked. My breathing had calmed down and I was relatively ok for now until we get to solid ground.

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