10) Family (finish)

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1 year later:

I was helping mom cook dinner for the family while dad and grandparents were setting up the table.

I have never been so happy in my entire life.
After Charlie said yes to Willy's proposal we ended up moving the entire house into the candy room of the factory within 2 weeks. Willy even managed to invent a system that imitates snow. Charlie and Willy go to work every day and are always back in time for dinner.

I did resign from my job at the newspaper store but I still carried on babysitting.

I wasn't gonna stop doing what I love, even if it takes up long hours but being able to take care of children has always been something I enjoy. I hope for one day to be able to have my own family, but we will see what the future holds.

I heard the door swing open and I feel a coldness coming through.

"Sorry, we're late. We were brainstorming." Charlie yelled as he and Willy walking in.

"You staying for dinner, Willy?" Dad asked as he moved a few chairs.
"Yes, please," Willy said as he and Charlie took off their coats and Willy took of his hat and hung it up.

"I'll shuffle the plates." Grandpa Joe said as he put all the plates down. I put the bowl of peas at the table and took my seat next to grandma Josephine. Willy then walked over and sat next to me.

He took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers. He brought our hands up to his lips and placed a small peck to the back of my hand. "Evening starshine," Willy said as we both smiled at each other.

If your wondering, yes Willy and I are together after we left his dads home he took me out on a few dates and then, in the end, asked me to be his girlfriend and our bond is just getting stranger every day. He's been really sweet (pun not intended) and so caring I couldn't ask for such an amazing boyfriend.

"You smell like peanuts." Grandma Georgina said breaking us out of our little moment. We both laughed and Willy turned to look at her, while he still held my hand.

"I love peanuts." She complimented
"Oh, thank you. You smell like... old people and soap. I like it." Willy complimented back in a bit of an odd way.

After his comment grandma, Georgina ended up squealing in delight and hugged Willy.

"Elbows off the table, Charlie." Grandma Josephine told Charlie. Who immediately took his elbows off the table and apologized.

"How do you feel about little raspberry kites?"
Willy asked Charlie.

"With liquorice instead of a string. " Charlie responds with a smile. Willy nodded at Charlie's idea.

"Boys, no business at the dinner table." Mom scolds them.
"Sorry," they both said trying to conceal their laughter.

"I think you're on to something, though, Charlie." Willy compliments him. Charlie just nodded his head in happiness.

We then began to eat, after we finished eating dinner, we started clearing the table. After washing the pots I leaned against the kitchen counter with Willy next to me still holding my one hand in his.

"Ah Charlie why don't you show sky what we perfected today," Willy said as he called Charlie over. Who nodded eagerly.

Charlie then went to his coat and took out a long looking box and brought it to me. He wouldn't stop smiling.

I opened the box and there was a rose, I smiled and took it.
"Why don't you try some" Willy encouraged, in confusion, I hesitantly took a bite of the stem and to my delight it was chocolate.

"Oh my this is insanely good guys, it even looks like a real rose," I told them as I couldn't help but smile.

I then noticed that there was a rolled-up note attached near the base of the flower. I unravelled the note and the words readout:
confused I went to look at Willy for answers but instead I didn't see him until I looked down and saw him on one knee.

Realizing what's happening a gasped in shock. Which most likely caught my family's attention.

I looked down at the man on one knee with a small box incased in his hands.

" I know we have only been together for a year but Sky I can't help but love you. I used to believe that there wasn't such a thing as love at first sight. But Sky you proved me wrong, I fell in love with your crazy weirdness, your adorable laughter that seems to be contagious, your adoring smile that always seems to brighten up my day. Your not just my lover you're like my best friend, my diary and someone who I want to spend the rest of my life with. What I'm basically saying is that Skylar Jennifer Bucket will you do me the insane honour of being my wife". Willy
Concluded as he opened the box to reveal a diamond ring.

I gasped in shock and brought my hand up to cover my mouth. At this moment I didn't even know how to speak the words just wouldn't come out so I just nodded my head as the tears began to flow.

Willy got up and placed the diamond ring upon my ring finger. My other hand still covering my mouth as the tears refused to stop. Willy looked me in the eyes and placed his hand on my cheek, we both leaned in and shared a very passionate kiss, I could practically feel Willy putting all his love into this single kiss and I did too.

We pulled away and I instantly wrapped my arms around Willy's neck hugging him as his arms wrapped around my waist I could hear my family screaming and cheering behind me.

I guess I do get to have a family someday, I don't mind as long as Willy is by my side, I know we can concur anything.

It's officially over everyone ❤️ I'm so sad 😭
:(  I really did enjoy writing this and thank you for all your support and I love you all so much.
I'll be starting my next story soon ❤️

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