3) Welcome to the factory

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Charlie and I got up extra early and we got ready for the incredible day ahead. I decided to go for a casual but comfortable look, I wore long blank pants, flat black boots, and a jersey. I quickly took my beanie and placed it on my head.

"Grandpa joe time to get up!" I yelled but to my surprised, he was already dressed and sitting in one of the dining table chairs

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"Grandpa joe time to get up!" I yelled but to my surprised, he was already dressed and sitting in one of the dining table chairs.
"Common now, no time to waste we have a factory to see," he said laughing, getting up from his seat.

Charlie and I just laughed and got our coats and we started walking down the street towards the factory gates, where a crowd has already seemed to be forming with locals and media reporters. There were policemen that have created a perimeter only allowing the ticket winners and their families through.

Charlie showed the officer his ticket and we walked in, I took Charlie's ticket and placed it in my small bag. From what I could see it looked like Charlie was the only one to bring a second family member, all of us stood in a line.

 From what I could see it looked like Charlie was the only one to bring a second family member, all of us stood in a line

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It was Mr. salt than his daughter, myself, Charlie, grandpa joe, Augustus, his mother, Violet, her mother, Mike Teevee, and then finally his father. The three of us turned back to smile at mum and dad who were watching us in the crowd. All the ticket winners and their parents looked over each other. Probably deciding who's gonna win. Veruca looked at me, I tried to be polite and gave her a smile, but instead, she just glared at me and rolled her eyes. Wow, ain't she a dog.

"Daddy I want to go in," Veruca said beside me obviously impatient with waiting for anything.
"It's 9:59 sweetheart" her dad tried to say sweetly.
"Make time go faster," she said annoyed.
Wow, she really is a handful.

"Do you think Mr. Wonka will recognize you?" Charlie asked Joe
"Hard to say, it's been years" joe replied.
I heard the crunching of chocolate and looked to my left to see Augustus was eating yet another chocolate bar. That isn't pleasant at all. Especially Violet chewing her gum very loudly.

As it hit 10 am sharp the gates started opening, I could feel the excitement radiating off my brother and, I was happy for him.
"Please enter," A  voice said through the speakers, well they didn't have to tell us twice as we all rushed in before the gates fully opened.

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