9) It gets better

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The next morning Charlie and I helped our parents fix the hole in the roof so no more snow is coming into our house.

And it was like Grandma Georgina said "Things are going to get much better. "

Grandpa Joe spent the whole day out of bed. Helping to sweep up any dust/snow that fell while we were repairing.

He didn't feel tired at all. Good news is that Dad got a better job at the toothpaste factory...repairing the machine that had replaced him, how ironic is that. He is even getting paid more.

All in all our family is doing very well we can afford more than cabbage soup, we can have meat, potatoes and such.

Charlie and I walked to the curb where Charlie does shoe polishing outside Greystone Cafe. "Ok Charlie, stay here and stay safe I'll be at work ok, come to me if you need anything, love you," I told him as I kissed his cheek and he responded with an "I love you too"

Charlie's POV (surprise)
I started to clean some people shoes and now I'm on my 4th customer. He had a Newspaper in front of his face.
"Pity about that chocolate fellow, Wendell-- Walter," he said but I have an idea who he is, his voice doesn't sound much different.
"Willy Wonka. " I corrected

"That's the one. Says here in the paper his new candies aren't selling very well. But I suppose maybe he's just a rotten egg who deserves it." He said.

"Yep. " I agreed
"Oh, really? You ever met him? " the oh so mysterious mad asked.

"I did. I thought he was great at first, but then he didn't turn out so nice. He also has a funny haircut. " I said

The 'Mysterious' man put down the newspaper and leaned forward towards me, revealing who I was expecting.

"I do not! " Mr Wonka protested
"Why are you here? " I asked
"I don't feel so hot. " Wonka responded
"What makes you feel better when you feel terrible? "
"My family. " I answered truthfully

Mr Wonka just made a disgusting faced and leaned back. I stood up from my crouch position.

"What do you have against my family? "
"It's not just your family. It's the whole idea of-- They tell you what to do, what not to do... and it's not conducive to a creative atmosphere. " Mr Wonka replied

"Usually they're just trying to protect you because they love you. If you don't believe me, you should ask. "
"Ask who? My father? No way. At least, not by myself. "

"You want me to go with you? I can bring Sky along, you need to apologize to her, she was kind of heartbroken" I replied

"Hey. Hey, what a good idea. Yeah! And you know what? I've got transport-- " Mr Wonka was cut off when he walked right into his glass elevator that was barely visible and fell to the floor.

After a few seconds, Mr Wonka got up
"I have to be more careful where I park this thing. "

"First let's get sky," I said as we began to walk to where my sister works.
"Of course lets go" Mr Wonka looked happier already with just mentioning Sky.

Maybe he does like her the same way she likes him.

Skylar's POV
"Skylar! Your brother is asking for you"
"Thanks, I'm coming!" I yelled out, I quickly put my broom away and walked to the front seeing my brother outside.

"Hey Charlie what's up, are you ok?"
"Ya I am Sky, but someone else isn't"
"Who isn't ok Charlie?"
"Me" a very similar voice spoke, I didn't want to believe it thinking it was probably my mind playing tricks on me. I carefully turned around and I saw the one and only Willy Wonka.

Golden heart ~ Willy Wonka ✔️Where stories live. Discover now