5) Inventing room

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Willy decided to lead everyone towards the bank of the chocolate river, with all of us following close behind him. As we stopped the ominous sound of drumming filled my ears.

I looked towards the direction of where the sound was coming from. But to my surprise, there was a giant bright pink boat coming towards us. The boat was large in length and the head of the boat was sculpted like the head of a sea horse.

 The boat was large in length and the head of the boat was sculpted like the head of a sea horse

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The paddles of the boat moved perfectly in sync with the rhythm of the drums. The boat was filled with Oompa Loompas in blue uniform and as the boat came to a halt in front of us. They all looked towards us and began to laugh. Charlie and I looked towards each other in confusion.

"What's so funny?" Violet asked while still chewing her gum loudly. Willy leaned closer to us and answered saying, "I think it's from all those doggone cocoa beans."

He then looked at us all and continued to say,  "Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contains a property..." his eye contact then shifted towards me as he said the last bit ".....that triggers the release of endorphins? Gives one the feeling of being in love."  He finished off with a smile towards my direction. I couldn't help the large smile that appeared on my face, with the noticeable slight of a red tinge to my cheeks.

"You don't say. " Mrs Beauregard said flirtatiously towards Willy. Willy looked towards her and had a terrified expression on his face as he quickly changed the topic and broke eye contact with the woman.

"All aboard," Willy said allowing everyone to get on the boat.
When she flirted with Willy I couldn't help but feel a horrible feeling within my stomach and chest.

Could it be jealousy...... no it couldn't, I don't even like Willy Wonka that way..... do I?

Charlie pulled me out of my thoughts when he tugged my arm, telling me to get on. I first helped him and grandpa gets on and as I was about to get on, a glove covered hand was held out to me. I looked up and saw it was Willy, I smiled I took his hand in my own as he helped me into the boat, making sure I don't fall down in the process. I whispered thank you to him as I went and sat down.

I ended up seating in the last row right by the back of the boat, while grandpa Joe and Charlie were in front of me. Willy looked around to see if everyone was on board and then proceeded to get onto the boat. To my surprise, he walked past everyone and sat next to me. He gave me a quick smile showing off his white teeth and then looked forward.

 He gave me a quick smile showing off his white teeth and then looked forward

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