Goblins vs Jaggis

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As the group continue their search for survivle, Y/n notice something in the sky. He looked up to see what it was but nothing .He could of sworn he seen more meteor falling from the sky. He shrug it off and continue on his mission. Moments later lilith falls down, Y/n rush over to see what is wrong with her.

Y/n: Lilith are you ok, what's the matter.

Lilith: My mana is low I need to restore it.

Y/n: Alright what do you need.

Lilith: That's the thing, I need you.

Y/n: I don't understand.

Lilith gesture Y/n to come closer. She than whisper in his ears, Y/n eye widen from the answer that lilith gave.

Y/n: Um are you sure that how you restore your mana?


Y/n: Positive


Y/n: I hope you are not lieing.

Lilith: I would never lie to you.

Y/n: Alright than um..... P/n stay here with sam, I need to do..... something with lilith. We won't go to far from you guys.

P/n:Meow( Alright meowster*thinks to him self *( The hell is he going to do?)).

Y/n than grab lilith hand, they both went deeper into the forest. Y/n sits down on a log while lilith knees in front of him.

Y/n: I'm really hoping this restore your mana.

Lilith: Have I ever lie to you.

Y/n: No, not that I known.

Lilith: Just relax I take it from here.

Lilith proceed to unbotten Y/n pants. This cause Y/n face to turn red.

Lilith: Oh my it's quiet large.

Y/n: Don't make this weird than it already is.

Lilith: I'm just teaseing *grows a sinster smile* lets begin.

As Y/n and Lilith begin their "activity" P/n waits for his friends return, sam on the other hand is wondering what those two are doing in the forest. Strange noise can be heard coming from their direction.

P/n:?????(The Hell)??????

Sam: Those two better not be doing what I think their doing.

Moments later

Y/n and lilith return from the woods, lilith was lick her lips and wipeing away some questionable white substance from here mouth. Lilith came back fully charge with her mana restore she can now use her magic more.Y/n came back better than ever and with a more clear mind.

Lilith: Thanks for the help Y/n, and by the way you taste amazing. Also should we continue were we left off?

P/n:Meow( what did you do?)

Y/n: Don't worry about it ,and to answer your question lilith.......maybe later.

Sam: Y/n if I ever need to restore my mana would you help me?

Y/n: We are not having this disscution.

Sam: Don't try to avoid the question.

Y/n: What ever, let get moving.

The group continue their mission but little did they know they were being followed. As the group contiune they begin to hear noises coming from all direction. The group huddle together to form a circle. Out of no where five small women appear each holding different weapons in their hands. The five women looked similar to each other and they begin to surround the group.

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