Rumble in the Mountain: Ogre vs Rajang

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Y/n returned back to the house knowing where his next investigation lies. He enters the house to find the two girls he met in the cave cleaning.

Y/n: I see the dwarf had you clean the house.

Molly: Y/n your back.

Willa: Glad to see your alive but what are you here for?

Y/n: I'm getting a couple of girls to help me with an investigation. What will you two do after your done cleaning?

Molly: Well once we're done cleaning the living room we are task with cleaning the other rooms and after that, the girls need help with the garden.

Y/n: I see, well keep up with the good work you two.

Willa:*Blush* Um will do.

Molly:*Blush* Yeah we will work hard Y/n.

Y/n walks away and enters his room with P/n following behind him. Once in his room, he began to sharpen his long sword, Suddenly he heard a knocking at the door.

Y/n: Come in.

*Door opens*

Lilith: Morning Y/n.

Y/n: Oh hey Lilith how you been.

Lilith: Great as always. I just came to tell you that lunch is ready. The girls are waiting for you.

Y/n: Tell them I will be down.

Lilith: Okay but don't wait too long Y/n.

Y/n: I won't.

Y/n finished sharpening his long sword and place it on his weapon rack. He heads downstairs to all the girls waiting for him in the dining table.

Everyone: Morning Y/n!!!!!!!

Y/n: Morning ladies.

Y/n took his seat and began to eat his meal while the girls ate and chat among themselves. As they continue to chat, Lilith decides to ask Y/n a question.

Lilith: Y/n I know your from another world but I have a question that has been bothering me for a while now.

Y/n: What is it?

Lilith: Is there someone in your life that is worried about you being gone. Maybe a loved one or significant other in your life. 

The room became silent as the girls lean in close to hear the hunter's response.

Y/n: In terms of a family member no, but there is one person that probably worried about me. I think she looking for me as we speak but I doubt she'll find a way here.

Lilith: I see. I have another question, is there anybody in your life that you loved?

Y/n: Anybody that I loved? Well, there is one person that I loved. She was my childhood friend, and the best person I have ever met. *Smiles* Her name was Sophia she was my handler in the old world. 


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