The Great Nocturnal Bird: Malfestio

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The next morning:

Y/n slowly wakes up to the pain and soreness of his pelvic region. He opens his eyes to the sight of Five naked monster women in his bed. He gets out of bed and puts on some fresh clothes as he slowly limps away.

Y/n: Ow.... ow... ow... to get some herbs.

Y/n leaves his room and head downstairs as Sophia was setting up the dining table for everyone to have breakfast. she turns around to see Y/n limping and helps him to the table to sit.

Sophia: What happened to you.

Y/n: Well, let's just say I was jumped by some of the strongest women in this house. Had a great rough night and now my low half is sore, and possibly even broken.

Sophia: Sounds terrible. I hope you're okay.

Y/n: Yeah I'll be fine get me some cup of herbs will you.

Sophia: Right away *whispers*I should have been there.

Y/n: You say something?

Sophia: Huh? No, not really.

Y/n: Must be hearing things. *Rubs ears*

Sophia: *Brings back cup of herbs* Here you go.

Y/n: Thanks, I really needed this.

Just as Y/n was about to drink the cup he then sees P/n coming down the stairs.

P/n: Meow( Morning meowster, how was your sleep?)*Get's smack in the back of the head* Meow!!! (OW!!!!, What was that for.)

Y/n: For abandoning last night, you ass.

P/n: Meow( What could I have done?)

Y/n: I don't know maybe create a distraction, So I could have escaped. 

P/n: Meow(In all honesty Meowster, I think you needed that.)

Y/n: The hell you mean.

P/n: Meow( Well we been constantly fighting monsters for the past days and see crazy and horrible things. So I thought It was best for you to release your stress.)

Y/n: Really, huh, never really thought about it.  Then I'm sorry for hitting you in the back of the head. You didn't deserve it. To some extent.

P/n: Meow ( You are forgiven meowster. Hey wait a minute.)

Y/n:* Get's up and stretch* Alright let me get my armor and longsword before we head out.

P/n: Meow( Wait where are we going again?)

Y/n: We're going to investigate the valley for more of those crystals. Who knows what we may find there.

Y/n gather his gears and head out the back door.

Y/n: Sophia, if anyone asks tell them I'm on an investigation to the valley within the mountains.

Sophia: Will do, be careful out there.

Y/n head out on his quest when he made a quick stop at the forge. Outside he notices a new weapon on one of the weapon rackets with a note attached to the handle.

Note:( Y/n I made this while you guys went to explore the mountains. I made it based on one of the notes and design you gave me a while back. Hope you like it, love Delilah. P.s: Try not to break it.)

Y/n:*smiles* Talented little dwarf. *picks up new weapon*

 *picks up new weapon*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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