Mwhahahaha- part 2

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Jace's p.o.v

"goofballs love pranks or is it sabotage?" Well well what do we have here and a picture of Luke running through manhattan in his underwear wearing reindeer antlers shows up then a picture if Magnus in the manhattan opera hall in his drastic Heavy metal rock star costume looking like he is having a good time rocking out next was the picture of Simon making out with the tree the one that shocked me the most was that they had security footage of me trying on the bra oh shit I'm never going to be able to live this down.

Then the news reporter starts talking while they keep flashing pictures "there are some very crazy people out there but I have never seen some people take a game of truth or dare so serious and so far one police reporter who interrogated a Simon Lewis he said ' thought the guy was drunk or on drugs he was so intent on trying to suck all the bark off that tree when I did alcohol and drug tests on him they all came back clean not a single trace of anything illegal when I asked why we was doing it his reply was me and my friends are playing a game you may have heard of it it is truth dare double dare torture kiss or promise and then he left mumbling something about how he was the key master and that he just encountered the gates keeper' as you can see in the pictures that you see the Simon Lewis has friends that he must be playing this game with we don't know if this is for sure yet because we haven't yet got enough information to connect all the incidents together.' and then the news reporter said that the weather for the next week will be announced right after this ad break. then the screen went blank because Clary had turned the tv off.

Everyone in the room started at each other then we all started smiling at each other which eventually turned into laughter and high fives, high tens ( those ones with both hands not just one hand ) there were slaps on the backs and hugs and loud cheers then Magnus made champagne and beer appear along with a circular table that everyone sat around and started drinking and eating the sandwhich a that also appeared we did this about half an hour until Clary was very clearly drunk so Alec decided to pick on her.

Clary p.o.v

Ooooohh I've never been drunk before this is fun this beer is very nice I think I shall drink this forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and aver and ever yeah that sounds great!!!!!!!!!!!!
"YEAH I AM!!!" I reply to Alec
"Ok then thank you truth or dare double dare torture kiss or promise?"
Hmmmmm what to do what to do? ohh I know truth and dare that is a perfect idea!!! "I choose truth and dare!!!!!!!"

Clary's p.o.v

"I choose truth and dare!!!!!!" hmmm how that works I don't know but I know Alec is going to struggle with it hehe.
"Clary your truth dare is you have to go into a liquor store and try to buy a bottle of speights gold beer but when the sales clerk asks you for I.D you have to give them your mums I.D but claim that they mucked up on the date of birth and that you are really 16 years old" ohhh I have to admit this one is good!!!.

...............Time Lapse....................

Jimbobfred (sales clerk) p.o.v

So I'm sitting here when a girl with the brightest red copper hair walks in she is clearly slightly intoxicated and underage she walks straight to the beer fridge and mutters something about now what beer am I getting by what she is looking at she is either going to grab a box of Jack Daniels or speights gold she eventually picks up the box of Jack Daniels hmm I personally would have preferred the speights gold because it isn't as strong oh well.
When she gets to the counter and I ask her for I.D she pulls out a drivers licence that says her age is 35 years old and the person in the photo looks old enough to be her mother I know something fishy is up "excuse me young lady is this your I.D?" she starts smiling at me quite oddly before replying "yes it is they just mucked up my date of birth I'm actually 16 years old" what?!!!! is she crazy or something oh wait I forgot she's intoxicated probably this isn't the first time someone has done this but they never admit it this is just plain stupidity!!!!!
"Ummm excuse me can I please just pay for my beer I'm dying of thirst here!!!!" what how dear she sass me like that "well I'm sorry honey I didn't mean to kill you but I can't sell you this beer because then I might get thirsty you see?" haha ohhh she gonna need some frozen peas for that burn.

"Ohh well in that case I might just be leaving" as she is saying this the red headed girl picks up the box of Jack Daniels and screams "IF I CAN'T HAVE THESE BEERS THEN NO ONE CAN ARRRRGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" and throws the whole box of 6 beer bottles onto the ground where they all smash and the look of anger on her face is really scary but when she turns to head out the door she starts skipping is that girl serious one second she is fine then angry and then all happy chappy is she bipolar highly doubt it probably on something that I don't really want to know about but what really annoys me is that she tried to sass me the king of sass me Jimbobfred who has never been out sassed in his life was challenged by some adolescence huh well she failed!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed the update😝

Please keep reading and commenting, voting, follow me too please and message me with any dares you come up with and I have started updating twice a week now so if I get 100 reads by Sunday then I will do 3 updates a week.

Love ya😁😄😜

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