The thing that shall not be named!!!!!!!!

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Jace's p.o.v

Hmm well that very entertaining double dare is now over so let's see who Will and Jem decide to pick on now. ok seriously I'm not that stupid we all know it is going to be me.

"Hey Jaaacce guesss what???" Ewww Will just sounded really gay. "Yass, yass bitch!!!!" Haha I got that from from the yass cat vine you find some weird stuff on YouTube. "YOU HAVE TO KISS ALEC!!!!!" whaaaaat?????.
"You didn't even let me pick!!!!." That asshole is so going to pay for this and I swear that on the Angel Raziel. "To fucking bad Mr. I'm a distant relative of yours and you will do as I say so bow down to the mighty and all powerful Will Herodale!!!!!!" Wow that escalated very quickly😳 and people who talk to me like that do not get away with it. "oh no old man I think it's time you retire and let your kin take over, that way you can see a professional working at his finest."

That should teach him then I stand up roll my sleeves up and grab Clary dragging her behind the bookshelf and whispered in her ear "gasp and make it sound horny." she stares at me confused so I let out what I hope sounds like a very passionate moan and pinch Clary's bum making her gasp then I start kissing her neck making loud smacking kisses so it sounds like a loud make out session. "Clarrrry ohh" I breathe just loud enough for them to hear then Clary catches onto what I'm doing and squeals loudly then groans out a very sexy "Jaaace!!!" Then we stop abruptly look at each and I run my hand through her hair messing it up then we walk hand in hand together around the corner to see the others look at the book shelf in horror with their mouths wide open. I notice that Alec seems to be trying to cover up a very big and hard looking boner eww the little bastard is such a pervert I'm pretty sure once when I went on his laptop history I saw that he had been watching gay porn.

"Ok Magnus I dare you to go out with Will." huh suck it 😎.

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