World War II

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World War II

I can see the bombs in the sky as I hold a ripped up photo in my scarred hands.

Here I stand on the front-lines of war.

They call this the badlands..

It is 1940..My weary eyes are torn.

I mourn within myself as I hear the horns of war. I tuck the picture into my breast pocket. My dear daughter..

Unborn, my little sweet corn.

They raise the flags as the guns rise.

My heart pounds as the sweat trecks down my face.

I must brace.. Then suddenly without warning.


There is fire in the air!

My lungs have become engulfed in smoke.

My comrades are falling before me!




We hit first barracks, and I take hold.

I've come upon the enemies stronghold.. Uncontrolled.

When suddenly I am impacted with pain sevenfold.

BANG! I hear the shot cascade across the air as I feel the pain radiates. It manifests..

I fall over backwards and crash into darkness.

The only memories that arise are years later.

And I am breathing by a ventilator.. respirator...

My weary eyes open as I remember my sweet corn,. whom I never got to hold.

I am in fact.. Old..

My war.. Never ended.. 

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