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Liberals you act like generals that take everything literal.

Your liberalized ideas have no good on society, its morally right, Politically correct.. emotionally driven bullshit!

You do nothing on ballot's, you don't change the world.

  You talk a lot, Blah Blah Blah
Always on defense, Raw Raw Raw

Talking about how jobs were, not.. are!

Sit down grandpa, don't call me the outlaw.

You are like the devil's claw, such a tragic flaw.

Makes me want to punch your upper jaw!

But nah, I am better than that.

Let's sit down and have a chat..

Quit wearing your brass hat.

I am not trying to be in combat.

Set down your keyboard and lets change the world.

Are you dreaming?

Wake the fuck up!

You sound like a schmuck

Your words don't even hit like a truck,

You are a sitting duck!

Typing away at the social platforms, but never doing anything.

Screaming how we whites appropriate culture.


You are like a seething vulture swarming around everyone trying to pick a bone!

Have some damn backbone..Before you are dethroned.

You make no sense with your tone!

I groan as you bitch and you rant!

All of you are dense, It makes me tense.

The damn suspense of awaiting for your common sense!

You speak a lot about women's rights,

But you fail to see we already have them!

Look at me, I am speaking my mind, if that ain't a right. I don't know what is!

Are you blind?

You are being so unkind.

Yet you fight for the less fortunate,

I applaud the only thing I can agree with.

The rest of it is crap!

Should I give you a clap?

Put on your damn thinking cap.

What you say has no logic.

Its Illogical .. pathological..

It makes me so cautious!

Are you psychotic..Ha,

Much more like a alcoholic catastrophic  crowd of
people with idiotic movements.

Its almost tragically.. Comical.

Open borders?

Are you insane?

You proclaim that your complaints will make us embrace you.

But like a grenade if no one agrees you blow up.

You think you know everything?

Slow down.. Damn.

What happened to Yes Sir' Yes Mam'

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