1.the beginning

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(Y/n pov)
Great. Just fucking great. I have to start school all over again just because my parent's decided to move. My friends promised to call me but I guess not. Fucking backstabbing human beings."y/n hurry up or else you'll be late!" Oh yeah right school, well I better get going before I get my ass wooped.

Ohh shit it's big. I mean the building of course, what else? I got out of the car and waved my mom goodby."bye mom see you soon" "bye honney have a great day" yeah sure school is great..... I walked inside and let the hell begin.

I got my schedule and walked to my first class witch is English, of course I was fashionable late. I walked in and my teacher said that I had to introduce myself. "Hey my name is y/n and I'm 18 years old, please take care of me" I said and I heard a few people giggle. "Good job now go and sit next to yoongi, please yoongi raise you're hand." A boy with mint green hair raised his hand half way. I walked to him and sat down.he looks like he is going to ignore me, but he is handsome though."hey" yoongi said. I was surprised that he talked to me but I gladly said hey back.

(Yoongi pov)
There was a new transfer student, but I didn't care to much. "Hey my name is y/n ad I'm 18 years old, please take care of me" she said. She sounds so cute."yoongi please raise you're hand" I did but not all the way just enough to see. She walked over to me and sat down. She is so cute, but I'm nothing so why should I care. I could feel that she was nervous so I tried talking to her. "Hey" I said simple but causal. "Hey" she said back. Than an awkward silence began, but it didn't matter class already started. English isn't my subject hell school isn't my subject.

<after school>
I walked home it wasn't that far. When I walked I saw that girl again I think her name is y/n. I saw that her mom picked her up that's sweet. When I got home I was welcomed by my mom and she was crying. "Mom what the hell happend" I was worried maybe it was my dad. "I'm sorry dear but your dad is in the hospital it is going bad again" after I heard that I broke down I stormed out of the house and to Seoul lake. My dad and I used te go here all the time, I miss him a lot. I didn't look were I was going and bumbed in to someone.

(Y/n pov)
I was walking in Seoul lake a stupid park named after a lake. I wasn't looking where I was going and bumbed in to someone. "Oh im sorry please I wasn't looking where I was going please don't be mad" he got quiet when he looked at me. "Oh you're that new girl y/n right?"I looked at him and nodded. "You don't talk much do ya?" "I do but rather when I'm standing" "oh sorry let me help you" he reached out his hand for me to grab it. I slaped his hand away and stood up. "Uhh I can stand my own but thanx" he looked at me and he looked like he had been crying, I didn't realise that I have been staring at him the whole time and I looked away. " again sorry for bumbing in to you I wasn't lo-" "why are you crying"

(Yoongi pov)
"Why are you crying?" She asked. Shit she saw me crying. Why would she care she don't even know me."do you care?" I asked getting irritated. "If your reason is good enough to cry" I stood there not knowing if I should say it or not, fuck it. "My dad is in the hospital"I saw that she looked shocked maybe because I just said it or maybe she cared. No she doesn't nobody cares."oh that's a good reason to cry."she said "so what are you doing here so late?" I asked trying to change the subject."oh I was just getting some air" she was lying that is not faire. "I told you the truth so tell me the truth too" she looked down and said "it is stupid your reason is better" she shrugged. "Well maybe not but care to tell?" "Fine, but I wanne sit im tired"

(Y/n pov)
We sat down and I started to talk. " well old friends of mine I guesed they used me for money so I'm kinda sad but doesn't matter, what happend to your dad?" I was curious he still looked sad. "Well if your friends used you than they aren't your friends." He started."and my dad health is bad agian he has cancer" he looked down I saw him crying agian. I putted my hand on his shoulder trying to kind of calm him down. " it is getting late my mom is worried I have to go" He said. "But can I have your number" he looked at me I think he hoped that I would say yes. "Fine but promise me that you text me when your dad is getting better or worse." I said and he looked happy I think. Is he okay I hope he is. "Yeah yeah okay" he smiled. So cute wait what. "Here is my number goodnight" I gave it and walked away well this is a great start.

(Yoongi pov)
Holy shit I got her number is it to fast to text her now.no that's to fast maybe she thinks your annoying. I got home and opend the door to see my mom on the couch passed out and sleeping calmly. I lifted her up and put her on her bed. "Goodnight mom I love you" I kissed her head and I went to sleep next to her.

{Authors note: this is my first story I hope you liked it and the rest of the members will be in the story😊 and please commend what you think and what is should do better)

{Authors note: this is my first story I hope you liked it and the rest of the members will be in the story😊 and please commend what you think and what is should do better)

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