10. accident

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(Yoongi pov)
Ugh yeey it's Monday, my favourite day of the week. Well nope sarcasm is just my thing. I got up and did everything I do usually in the morning. I walked down stairs and saw my mom passed out on the couch, at first I thought she was sleeping but than I saw a bottle of wiskey. "Oh mom what are you doing" I sighed. I cleaned everything up and put a blanket over my mom. "Bye mom I love you" when i walked away I heard my moms phone go of. So I answer it.
"Yes hi am I speaking to the min family?"
"Yes why?"
"I got news about mr min"
"Serious is he alright?"
"No he's not we did everything we could but the cancer has spred to his head"
"Please ,is he alive?"
"Yes but he's not going to live long I'm sorry is best if you say goodbye this friday."
"O-okay thank you the min family will be there friday bye"
I hung up and busted out in tears. This is all my fault if I was a better son he would still be good. I woke my mom and told her. She didn't say anything and cried, we cried and cried till she said "I'm going to sleep at the hospital from now on will you be okay?" "Yeah I will but can I stay home today?"
"Yes but I'm going now" she grabbed some medicine and went out. Sorry mom for being me I could better be gone.

(Y/n pov)
Wierd. Yoongi isn't here what the hell?
"Hey hobi you know were yoongi is?"
"No I don't isn't he at school?"
"Nope haven't seen him"
"Hey y/n were is sanne?"
"She is in the dance studio why?"
"Thanks see ya" and than he just walked away, rude.
When I just wanted to walk in the school building I  saw the car of yoongi's mom. That's odd.
"Y/n quick get in!"
"What's wrong"
"I have to go to the hospital and I don't trust yoongi home alone"
"Why not"
"He was like this before so sad because of the lost of his brother, because when he died he tried to kill himself I need you to watch over him okay?"
Shit ,really?  I didn't know what do I do?
"Yes sure" I got in the car and we drove to his house.

<yoongi house>
She dropped me off and she drove away. I knocked on the door but no answer. "Yoongi! Open up" still nothing. I looked trough the window and saw yoongi on the ground. Shit.

{He he he cliff hanger, next chapter is going to be fluff so yeah}

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