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Chapter XVI. Who are you?

It had been a pretty tired day and she knew that the Triwizard Tournament would begin very soon, more specifically, tomorrow its going to be the first challenge that they had to face. Cedric had told her that the first challenge involved a dragon, which worried the young Pendragon considerably. She knew that tournament was dangerous, but she didn't expect that much.

The girl looked through the windows of the common room to the outside while combing her golden hair. Many of her roommates were already rested and others were preparing just like her. She still remembered how a couple of days ago she had received her first Defense Against the Dark Arts class and how traumatic her first experience was then, but Madeye had taken it upon himself not to mention the subject again or practice the Ridiculus spell again, after all, he knew that she was still very sensitive about the subject and there was nothing he could do. Arturia thought he cared for her more than he should, it was even strange how he always looked at her hoping to find something about her. Igor Karkaroff was also responsible for making her feel uncomfortable. Moody was justified in getting suspicious, after all, her excuses weren't convincing enough, but Igor doesn't have reason, it's strange. Sometimes she came to think that the real reason for those looks is because them found her attractive, although it was ridiculous if she thought about it, it even caused her to shiver.

Arturia lay back on the bed when all the lights were then extinguished. The young woman with blond hair kept her eyes open and without looking at any specific point. She thought and thought over and over again about the whole situation. She tried not to care about so many things at once, but so many thoughts swirled in hee head, preventing her from falling asleep.

"Maybe Professor Snape can give me some sleeping potion." She thought sitting on the bed, hoping that all her companions were already asleep.

He got up taking that special permit that Dumbledore had given her and she walked through the corridors, hoping to find the Potions master.

She heard a noise coming from one of the corridors and went there, thinking it was Professor Severus who was there. Unexpected it was for her to notice that it wasn't Snape, but Professor Moody. His face and complexion were changing, as he entered the Room of Requirement. She silently followed him. It was extremely strange.

That man looked young and attractive if she had to admit, but there was something about him that didn't fit at all. In the first place, who was he and why did he pretend to be Alastor Moody?

The girl noticed that the Room of Requirement was some kind of place where potions could be made, because it had cauldrons, some containers and everything he needed to make the Polyjuice Potion. She had learned from Snape that this potion was dangerous if it was used by someone with not very good intentions. Even if Moody had been an excellent teacher and had helped her a lot, at that moment it seemed quite strange to her.

"Who is there?" Asked that young man to notice that there was someone else there. "You better go out."

Arturia bit her lower lip gently, she had hidden herself between some tables, but in any case he had managed to know that she was there. She finally got up revealing who it was, keeping a stern look on her face.

"Miss Pendragon."

"Who are you?" Arturia asked with a tone of voice quite serious, but calm.

Arturia then thought about how strange that man was, his look and the way he ran his tongue over his upper lip as if it were a snake. A chill ran down her spine at the smile he gave her for her question.

"I think that's not something you should know now, Miss Pendragon, we all have many secrets, even you have them, even more than I could have."

The blonde stood still at his words, she had to tell Dumbledore about that. An imposter taught at Hogwarts and didn't know what intentions he had. Her eyes looked everywhere for a way out of that mess.

That man approached her, leaving her imprisoned on the wall. Those bright brown eyes showed how deranged he was and that tic of running his tongue across his lip while smiling in that maniacal way managed to make her feel uneasy.

"You are so beautiful. It's a shame you're so young." He took her chin while watching the charming face of Arturia. He pointed his wand at the girl's belly. "Desmaius." He mumbled.

Before that attack, Arturia managed to lose consciousness and fall into the arms of that man. He laughed at the vulnerability of the blonde. She was so mysterious and that in part was very attractive. Everything about her was attractive and intriguing for him.

"Obliviate." He said pointing to her.

With it, Arturia wasn't going to be able to remember what she saw that night. That man again took on the appearance of Moody. It was a matter of seconds before she regained consciousness, beginning to slowly open her eyes.

"Professor Moody?" The girl asked to see him.

He was surprised that she could have woken up in so few seconds, no one endured the Desmaius as if to get up after a few seconds. That make her a lot more interesting.

"What do I do here?" Asked the blonde while touching her head.

"I would like to know that too." He said offering his hand to lift her.

The girl was very confused, what was she doing outside and in that place?

"Come, I'll take you to your common room before it gets you in trouble." He said while taking her by the shoulder.

He was smiling inwardly, his plan hadn't been ruined, and he had discovered wonders about her that night, like her ability to endure spells to some extent. He was wondering if the Avada Kedavra would have an effect, although it would be a shame to lose a girl like her.

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