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Chapter XXII. An undeniable attraction.

In the beginning it was incredibly difficult to accept that he was feeling attracted to a student and specially when she was a Gryffindor. He used to think that in one way or another she had managed to put Amortentia in his drink without him noticing. After a while he thought on why he couldn't help but be attracted to a student, but in those moments he could no longer deny that she was incredibly attractive and desirable to him.

Arturia Pendragon was everything he wanted and needed. She never got to fear him, she even had the audacity to face him once and there were some things from the past that they both had in common and that made him feel understood. Arturia was someone strong, brave, honest, confident and bright, but Severus had managed to see her more vulnerable and fragile side, those moments during that night when his arms were the only safe place in which she took refuge at that moment, and Snape's imperfect touch was extremely comforting.

Snape also found light in her. She managed to understand him better than anyone, even though she was much younger than him. Having such casual conversations with a student was strange, but in any case it was satisfying.

Arturia was the woman he needed in his life. Someone who understood him, the one who would light the way for his lost soul, someone who accepted him and didn't let herself be guided by superficialities. A strong, intelligent and self-sufficient woman, who had no prejudices, who came to feel comfortable at his side and trust him enough.

After everything that had happened, how could he not be attracted to her?

He found her incredibly desirable at that time and cursed the fact that she was still a student and much younger than him, but because of her, he was willing to break many rules.

He wanted her. He wanted her just for him. Severus hated when other boys, especially Diggory, looked at her with the same eyes with which Snape looked at her. Those looks full of longing for her. It was amazing how she seemed to be the most skilled sorceress to enchant so many men in just a couple of months.

In spite of everything, there was something that Snape had as an advantage and was to be the support for her when she was down. His arms were the only comforting place that Arturia knew at that time. When she clung to him, feeling the warmth of her small, frail body, it was the moments when Severus was satisfied.

It had been several nights since the last time Arturia left so late. Partly it was good, on the other side, not so much. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss sharing those little moments with her.

Arturia opened her eyes little by little with her face bathed in tears. She sat on the bed and touched her chest, which hurt. Her nightmare, her most horrible nightmare had been to see Bedivere with another woman.

She was aware that it was a product of her imagination thanks to what was happening. She needed to clear her mind about Cedric, she needed to think better about her feelings and why, even though she was fine with being good friends, it hurts so much that he invited another girl.

With the special permission she left the common room and went to the Astronomy Tower. It had become her favorite place to think besides the lake in the forest.

As she climbed the stairs she could see a dark figure, recognizing that long greasy black hair and those dark clothes.

"Professor Snape." Arturia said as she approached the railing.

Those deep eyes looked at her as soon as she called him. She shuddered at his gaze, feeling a slight burn in her cheeks.

"What are you doing here, miss Pendragon?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"A nightmare. Once again I have dreamed about painful things, but this time it was my subconscious that has played me a trick." Commented the blonde leaning on the railing. "I came to clear my mind, clarify some doubts and resolve my emotional conflicts."

The depth in the words that she said always seemed interesting to him and for that, and many other reasons, Arturia was so desirable.

The blue-green eyes glanced at Snape, while Snape looked at the sky. Seeing Snape for her wasn't so unpleasant. Although Severus wasn't a gorgeous person, he was attractive in a certain way, especially his eyes and the depth its showed. He wasn't as bad as he seemed, really he was the only one, apart from Dumbledore, in whom she could seek consolation.

He doesn't have the best personality. He treatened most of his students, he took points without reason from other houses, he was rude, distrustful and bitter, but she managed to see more. She saw a good teacher, but at the same time she saw a man lost in the darkness, someone who wanted to be understood and someone who comfort in him.

Arturia then realized something important, something that managed to confuse her rather than understand what was happening to her. She was attracted to both Cedric and Professor Severus. Both had managed to provoke something in her that she couldn't explain.

"What is happening, Arturia? You are supposed to be a king. A king should not worry about trivialities like love. You have only one mission here and that is to defeat Teantaichean." The girl thought biting her lower lip softly.

The attraction was undeniable, both the one Arturia felt for both, and the one that Cedric and Severus had for her.

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