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Chapter II. First friend at Hogwarts.

After being selected for Gryffindor's house, the golden-haired girl had sat down with her new companions, but she remained absolutely silent. The food looked delicious, which made Arturia's eyes light up almost immediately. To the surprise of her housemates, Arturia ate in large quantities and extremely quickly, which made the members of Gryffindor laugh.

The blonde turned red and decided to eat more slowly, trying to maintain her refined appearance, although technically she had got lost just then.

"Then, Arturia is your name, right?". Asked a girl with curly brown hair, who looked younger. "I'm Hermione Granger."

"Nice to meet you, Hermione." Arturia said politely, giving her a slight smile.

"I'm Harry Potter." Said a young man in glasses with a shy smile.

"Ron Weasley." There was a redhead.

"If you're the Dumbledore's goddaughter, why you haven't come to Hogwarts before?" Asked curious Hermione.

"My parents always wanted to educate me on their own, but they died last year and my godfather wanted me to come." Arturia answered remembering what Dumbledore had explained about her supposed life.

After dinner, they headed to the Gryffindor common room.

The blonde looked through the huge windows of the hallways thoughtfully. If that dreaded thousand-tentacled monster returned, then many innocent people were at risk.

"Miss Pendragon." Called the voice of the old headmaster of Hogwarts.

"Headmaster." She greeted with a nod of her head.

"I see that nobody even suspects you by your last name, that is good."

"I doubt they are going to believe that a young girl is King Arthur. Although I am not as young as I look. When I took Caliburn out of the stone, Merlin told me that I would no longer be human and eternal youth was given to me, that is why I seem to be seventeen when I died over thirty years old." She told.


"No. Caliburn and Excalibur are different swords, although they look alike. Caliburn was the sword that I took out of the stone, crowning me as king of Britannia, but it broke when I failed my knight code. That's why the Lady of the Lake gave me Excalibur, which is much more powerful."

"That's an interesting fact to know". Dumbledore said. "You have already started your classes, I guess you are not used to attending a school, so I will take you to your classroom."

"Yes, thank you."

Dumbledore apologized to the Herbology professor with a little lie about having to talk to Arturia about how she felt at Hogwarts, which the teacher believed. Pomona Sprout cheerfully welcomed the little girl with the golden hair, inviting her to sit somewhere she found pleasing. Arturia's eyes scanned the seats to see which one was empty but found a rather familiar face, a Hufflepuff boy she had seen in the dining room. He motioned for her to sit in front of him, as there was an empty seat there. Arturia sat in the place that the boy indicated as she gave a very slight smile as a way of thanks.

The class of Herbology seemed quite curious and even came to recognize some species that Merlin used to use for some of his potions or to explain Arturia about magic. Merlin wasn't only his advisor, but also his tutor with regard to magic and therefore Arturia knew a lot about magic, even though she wasn't really born as a magician, she simply had the joy of becoming king.

Caliburn. That sword had marked her destiny, she had been chosen by God to be the king of England when she was just a young and innocent girl, who had recently lost her father. Merlin supported her to draw the sword and did it. She had to renounce her femininity and pass herself off as a man in order to claim the British throne. Her life was honorable and, at that time, she must continue to fight for her ideals and protect her people who were threatened by Teantaichean. She had not noticed how on her parchment she had drawn her beloved old sword, she really appreciated it more than Excalibur.

The classes of Herbology ended and the girl picked up her somewhat distracted, but a hand on her shoulder made her turn around, finding herself with that tender Hufflepuff boy.

"Arturia, right?"


"Nice to meet you, I'm Cedric Diggory". He introduced himself by extending his hand. "I didn't imagine that Dumbledore had a family member, it's not that we know much about him, but we thought he didn't have any family."

"My godfather does not like to be exposing his life and he prefers that few know of his relatives because he could put them in danger." The young woman commented calmly while resuming her way.

Cedric followed her, walking beside her.

"It has been sudden really that you joined the penultimate year."

"My parents educated me at home, but they died last year and my godfather offered me to study here." She hated lying, but she had no choice.

"I see. It must be difficult to do everything from the beginning, especially if you had never attended a school and you don't know anyone." The brown haired boy commented. "I'd like to be your friend, Arturia, if you let me. I also don't want to force you to accept my friendship, but I would like you to feel comfortable here at Hogwarts and make your first year here a good memory."

"You are very kind, I appreciate it." Arturia said with a smile. "It would be a pleasure to be your friend."

That meant that the young Diggory would be Arturia's first friend in that institution and that meant a lot to the king, making her understand that she wouldn't be as alone as she expected, although she didn't want to involve him much in her affairs so that he wouldn't be damaged in the battle that is close. Cedric reminded her of her first and faithful knight, Sir Bedivere, who was with her from the beginning of her reign until she finally died. They had no physical resemblance, but their personality was very similar. Nostalgia filled her chest and, for a moment, Cedric noticed how the opposite eyes crystallized.

"Are you okay, Arturia?" Hufflepuff wizard asked worried.


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