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When we arrive at the Capitol it is as busy as a tracker-jacker nest. Posters with Gale's face are everywhere. The children are in awe over the massive buildings. I think of all the people that died here. All because of me. All because of my stupid plan. My stupid plot to get revenge on Snow. If it wasn't for me all those people would still be alive. But then again, we may not have won the war. The Capitol looks the same to me except for the statue of a mockingjay in the middle of the town square. It is in remembrance of the Revolution. We have ones similar to it in 12 but, they are for the hunger games.

When Rye sees the statue he says, "Look Mommy, that birdy's just like the one on your shirt!"

They have a special stage where the election will take place. In front of the stage is many rows of chairs. I'm sure there are more than enough chairs to seat everyone in the country. After the election there will be a huge party to celebrate. It will take place in the President's mansion. There the new President Gale will make a speech. The kids are excited to see Gale but, like I said before I'm not sure how I feel. I haven't quite forgave him. I know I should. However, I am afraid I can't.

Peeta, Josie, Rye, and I walk over to the stage. We scan around for familiar face. We see Annie Odair and her son, Trent, waving at us. Annie wears a deep blue dress that complements her eyes. Her red hair is in curls that fall over her face. She looks a bit older but, is as beautiful as ever. Trent looks a lot older considering the last time I saw him he was an infant. He is fifteen now. He is tall and has bronze hair like his father with a bit of his mother's red. He definitely has his dad's eyes. In fact, I would have thought it was Finnick. We sit down next to them and I say, "Nice to see you again Annie. Hello Trent. My have you grown!"

Annie smiles. Trent stands up and shakes Peeta and I's hand while saying, "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Mellark. I've heard great things about you," He also definitely has his father's charm. "Who are these two?"

"This is Jocelyn and Ryan. They prefer Josie and Rye." Peeta replies. I make them say 'hi' and then Johanna and her family walk in. Her husband's name is Ashton Davery. They met in District 13 while I was in the Capitol with squad 451. He escaped from 7 to 13 four years before we got there. They also have a son named John. He is a year older than Josie. I notice Johanna's pregnant belly is a lot larger than I saw it last.

I ask her, "When are you due again?"

"Any day now!" Johanna say with a smile.

"Mom, can I sit by John?" Josie asks me.

"Yes, here we can switch seats," I reply. We do. Johanna winks at me. They both deny it but, we know John and Josie like each other. Young love. Ha! Look at all the mess it got me into.

Two minutes before the election starts, Haymitch walks in. He walks through our row of chairs and sits next to Trent. As he walks by me I ask, "Late as usual?" He rolls his eyes at me. Him and I, well, we have a complicated friendship.


The election begins with music. Peeta tells me it is our new anthem. Then a man in a long black coat and a top hat tells Gale an oath. He recites it back. The election takes forever. It's impossible to keep Rye quiet. Peeta has to walk to the back with him during the oath. Towards the end they come back. Gale is giving a small speech at that point. He talks about the new system of government we are going to have and stuff like congress, police, and checks and balances. I'm not sure exactly what he meant by all that. I guess the countries that stood here before Panem used these systems also. I don't know why would try it again if it already failed but, it's better than what we had.

After the election we file out row by row. Then we wait outside the President's mansion for the party. The kids are bored an quite honestly, so am I. Finally, the door open. We all rush in.

Peeta, the children, the Odairs, the Daverys, Haymitch, and I sit at a round table. There is a white table cloth on the table. Rye is known for spilling so, I hope he doesn't ruin it. There is a vase of flowers in the middle of the table. The roses in the bouquet remind me of Snow. I hate that man. I hope Gale makes a better president. That won't be hard because Snow made 24 innocent children fight to the death.

My thoughts are interrupted when President Hawthorne walks in. That anthem is playing again. Everyone whispers, "there he is," and "that's the president." He invites us to eat. There's is a line of tables full of food against the wall. I am positive the line is as long as the train we rode here. Peeta and I are the first to get up at our table. Peeta fills a plate for himself. While avoiding foods that will stain, I fill a plate for Rye. I am super excited when Peeta points out there is lamb stew with dried plums. This stew is the only thing about the Capitol I like. After pouring myself a heaping bowl full we sit down and eat.

Once we are done music starts playing. Josie, John, and Rye find a group of children and goes to play with them. Haymitch gets up and walks away without saying a word. Probably going to go intoxicate himself I presume. A lot of people are dancing so Johanna and Ashton and Peeta and I dance too. When the second song starts playing I look over at Annie. She looks lonely until Trent asks her to dance. Annie's face light up when she hears the question. I figure she hasn't faced since her wedding day. Trent looks so much like Finnick I thought it was him for a moment. But, it can't be him. Finnick is dead and he's never coming back. The thought bring tears to my eyes.

I run to the bathroom. To my surprise it's empty.

Ablaze (after the Mockingjay) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now