Chapter 13: An Angel Has Risen

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So before you guys read, just wanted to clarify the title is just a reference, meaning Kion isn't actually an angel, it's just referring to him as one because well.. he's a precious little angel XD Anyway, enjoy this chapter!

There lay the lifeless body of Kion, on the ground of the pridelands, with his mate nestled beside him. He was in a deep sleep, not once did he move, he was unstable. But something happened, something so unexpected. A loud sound rumbled through the pridelands, that made the ground shake with every vibration wave. Fuli suddenly sat up, curious, but confused of what made the sound. She had heard something like it before, but nowhere near this. But what Fuli didn't know, was that Kion could hear it too. Yeah, everyone including Janja, had thought that Kion was dead, long gone, but they were wrong, dead wrong. Fuli laid back down next to him, unphased by the strange sound, suddenly falling asleep. No matter what, Fuli would continue to stay by her mate's side, she believed that he was still alive, somewhere in there.

Something flickered on in Kion's brain, that instantly got ahold of him. But then there was this voice, that appeared to be calling his name. When he had heard the loud voice, his eyes shot open.

"Kion." The voice said, and when he looked up to the sky there was this bright light, the brightest light he had ever seen. He squinted trying to make out who it was that had appeared in the clouds. Then it hit him, he immediately recognized the face... it was.. Mufasa.

"Grandfather?" Said Kion, looking up at the lion in the sky.

"Yes Kion, I'm here." His grandfather replied.

"W-wait... so... I'm not dead?"

The old lion chuckled shaking his head as he spoke.

"No Kion, you are alive." Said Mufasa.

"B-but how?" Kion questioned, shocked.

"Kion, you are strong, you are powerful, you are brave, you can overcome anything just remember that," Mufasa started, the young cub nodded in response to his grandfather's words.

"And as long as you believe in yourself, you won't ever fall." He continued.

"Of course, thank you grandfather." Kion smiled.

And the old wise lion grinned down at his grandson, before vanishing completely.

Kion couldn't believe it, he was alive, he was still standing, and breathing. Was this really real? How was this possible? He looked down at his paws, his wounds were still there, but for some strange reason he felt better, better than he ever had before. He looked over beside him to see Fuli, cuddled up to his side, sound asleep. He grinned down at her, lowering his muzzle to lick her head. Fuli responded to his licking with her purring loudly, she slowly opened her eyes to see Kion standing over her. Her mouth gaped open when she saw him.

"KION!!" She exclaimed suddenly pouncing onto him, knocking him off his paws to nuzzle him.

"How!? I- I thought I lost you!!"

"You could never lose me Fuli." He grinned up at the cheetah above him, Fuli quickly let him up.

"Oh my goodness! You're hurt!" She said looking down to see the cuts and scratches on his body.

"I know, but it's not that bad really!" He reassured her.

"Shh, shh, I don't want to hear it, we're going straight to pride rock and when we get there, I'm treating you right away, am I clear?" She said.

Kion sighed, rolling his eyes playfully, he knew darn well he couldn't argue with her, even if he tried.

"Clear..!" He replied sarcastically.

Unexpecting Love (Sequel) Stuck Together A Kion X Fuli Fanfiction (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now