Chapter 1

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Sacha's POV

Enjoying my favorite song on the radio, I drove my white sedan on the beautiful Lake Shore Drive. The drop in the temperature notified that the sun was about to set soon. My fingers drummed on the steering wheel; my head bobbed up and down with lips singing the lyrics at the top of my voice.

Thank God for the closed windows and chilled air conditioning.

The tiny concert was interrupted when my car screen blinked with the incoming call. Without looking who it was, my fingers skimmed on the answer button.


"Sacha, honey, I have the news you have been waiting for the last three weeks." The familiar voice brought a smile to my face.

It was Peter McMurray, my best friend's father.

"Oh my gosh, Peter, Don't tell me you got Alexander William's appointment!" I exclaimed, my face forming a shit-eating grin.

He chuckled, "Yes, my dear, he finally got time for our talented interior designer, but there is a problem. He is only available at ten tonight because he is flying to LA for two days."

My car's tires screeched and stopped with a sudden halt.

"Tonight? Oh my God!  Peter, you know it's Bri's birthday, she will kill me. Isn't he available any other time? How about a little earlier? How can I go to two places at once?"

"Sorry, my dear, I tried, but his schedule is tight. If you want, I can get it for next week."

"Next week will be too late; I need to get these designs approved so we can start redesigning his mansion. But Peter, it's Bri's birthday tonight; she will kill me if I skip."

"I know it's Bri's birthday, and no one knows my daughter better than you or me, of course. So I asked Alexander to come to Club Infinity for the meeting as it is past his office time. Then it won't be a problem for you too as you can attend Bri's party and skip an hour or half for the meeting and join again. It won't be a problem, wouldn't it?"

Thinking for a minute, I replied, "I guess I don't have an option. But how inappropriate will it look when I attend a business meeting in party clothes."

"It doesn't matter, my dear; it is your work he wants to see, not how you look." He said, comforting me.

Taking a deep breath, I said, "Okay, I guess I will see you then. Thanks again for everything, Peter."

"Take care, honey."

"You too."

Realization hit me like a Tsunami; The day had finally come when I would meet Alexander Williams. That man didn't leave my mind since I first saw him, Peter had told me that Mr. Williams was out of town, and he had allowed us to survey his mansion so I could get down on my ideas of changing the looks of his home.
The mansion looked like a mini palace, with an immensely long driveway and a spectacular garden. The inside was even more unique in terms of layout and carvings. A gigantic ballroom fit for a wedding covered the ground floor. The American-style kitchen had undergone renovation a few years back with all the new appliances.
  However, the hall had my full attention; countless pictures of a Greek God decorated most of the walls. The portraits were of multiple styles and sceneries; in some, he stood solemn in crisp suits. In others, he looked like the casual boy next door with fitted jeans and shirts, but the ones that took my breath away were those in minimal clothing, sporting the sexy playboy look. His dark muddy eyes reminded me of the soil after rain; the shiny, perfectly styled chocolate hair almost looked edible, the chiseled body was proof of countless hours of gym and training. I had thought he must have been a top model, but after asking about him twice, I found that this handsome hunk was Mr. Alexander Williams.

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