Chapter 6

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Alexander's P.O.V
( After Sacha left him at the club)

"I said No."

"I said No."

The words kept ringing in my ear. Sacha rejected me; how could she?
I was giving her more money than the original amount.
Wasn't that all that mattered?
She said no so quickly, without even giving it a second thought.
Money was the key to manipulating women, which I did. But Sacha rejected me.

I didn't know why?

Maybe you should have offered more money. After all, you were asking for a whole month.

Yeah, I should have.

I didn't know for how long I stood there thinking what just went wrong; Sacha's refusal made me confused. A woman never rejected me, but maybe Sacha was different.

Yeah maybe. But she is a woman Alex. They want money, nothing else. You didn't say the right amount.

Yeah. Maybe I did not.

Her face flashed in front of me; her scent still lingered on my shirt, and my need to have her skyrocketed. Her figure was alluring; her full breasts and heavy hips were carved perfectly.
I would have loved to push her to the wall and claim her mouth; she would have melted in me, wrapping her legs around my waist, and I would have taken her then and there.


I wanted to ravish her mouth, claim her and make her mine.
I remembered her intoxicating scent when I buried my nose in her neck; it was sweet, nothing like the spicy girl herself.

God. She felt so good to hold.

When I felt her body giving in to me, I thought she was falling into my trap. But that's entirely the opposite of what had happened.

Maybe she was acting hard to get.

But why did I feel like this with Sacha?
Why did I feel so low after being rejected?

I walked out of the room to look for her; maybe she was here waiting for me to come and ask her again.
I looked for her in the club, but couldn't find her anywhere. I had to have my fill of her; the lust for her was increasing at an incredible speed, and I seemed to have no control over it. But I couldn't find her; I didn't even have her number. I only contacted her through emails before.



I picked up my phone and logged into my account.

As I thought about what to write, my phone pinged with a new mail. I was stunned to see that it was from Sacha James. My fingers didn't wait for a second to open it, and to my amusement, it read:

I agree. Where do I sign?

Didn't she tell me an hour ago that her answer was no?
What happened now?
She was so sure about her decision.

She must have thought about the money and the opportunity of being with you and maybe getting a chance to trap you.


She didn't know I could play that game well. I won't fall for her, never. I would be with her the whole month, and when I would get over with my fill of her, I would tell her to leave.

Like I did with every other woman.

That's like it, Alex.

A wicked smile crossed my lips. I thought about what to write and started typing:

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