Chapter 9

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Alexander's P.O.V

The last two days had been very long to pass. I was never the person who was unattentive during the meetings, but this time I couldn't help myself. The only person who was on my mind was Sacha. There were no messages from her after the confirmation text about receiving the money, and I wouldn't say I enjoyed the distance.

How can a woman affect me so much?

Her alluring figure didn't go away from my mind. The things I wanted to do to her gave me goosebumps. Even a month looked less.

I had to get my fill of her. Otherwise, I would be at a complete loss.

You have gotten her, Alexander.
She will be with you for a month, and you will get over the infatuation and move on.

The moving on part didn't sit well with me, but I knew I was not the perfect person in the long term. I didn't do relationships; I was not lovable.

The big grandfather clock rang nine times, notifying the time in the morning. I had been waiting for her for an hour; she should be here at any moment.

Maybe she has changed her mind about you.

No, I removed the negative thoughts instantly. Sacha agreed, and she would be here. After all, it was all about the money, and being double was the highlight.

The doorbell chimed, and my heart started beating loudly.

Why am I acting like a fucking teenager?

Henry proceeded to open the door; the couch I was sitting on was adjacent to the door, so I could look at her before she could see me.

The room glowed in her presence; the golden halo around her was still there as the night before. The yellow dress matched her hair perfectly; the neckline was again deep, leaving little to the imagination. Her hair now had some strands of color matching her eyes and making them pop. Her lush, creamy legs were on full display.
It took all my willpower not to push her to the nearest wall and take her then and there.

Get a grip on yourself, Alex!

Sacha took small steps inside, looking all over the house.
Her beautiful eyes took all in until they rested on me. I saw her suck her breath in, with eyes wide, she gulped.

My eyes stared into her; I licked my lips, confessing how tempted I was to see her. She had that power over me somehow, the ability to turn me on with just a gaze.

God. How is she capable of doing these things to me?

She cleared her throat, but the arousal in her voice was evident, "Good morning Alex."

Never once leaving her eyes, I strode towards her.
The formal hug we shared was a way to touch her; my fingers brushed on her smooth legs, making her shiver, proving that she was equally affected by me.

"Good morning Sacha; you look beautiful."

The red hue on her cheeks darkened with my comment. The need to run my fingertips on her face was immense, but I preferred to control myself.

"Thank you, umm... My crew will be here any minute; from where would you like us to start today?"

"From my bedroom."

Her mouth was practically on the floor after realizing what I had said.

"Umm... I was asking about the renovation." She stammered.

Did she think I was talking about us?

"I know, Sacha; as my room will be busy for the rest of the month, I want your crew to renovate it first. I don't want any hindrance later."

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