Chapter 5

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Sacha's P.O.V

I drove the car as fast as I could. The hospital was around forty minutes away from the club; on the way, the only person that was on my mind was Anna.

Anna Davis was my youngest employee; she was only seventeen and was going through a callous time in her life. The poor girl worked as well as studied in high school. She and her granny were going through a financial crisis, and they were grateful enough even to eat two meals a day.

Whenever I thought about the first time I saw her, that scene only gave me goosebumps. I had never been so horrified; the visions of that night flashed in front of my eyes, and a shiver ran through my spine.

I would never let her do that again.


I mentally made up my mind that I would do anything to save Anna's grandmother as she was the only family left in the poor girl's life. I silently prayed that everything would be alright, and there was nothing serious.

It wasn't surprising that I reached the place in just thirty minutes. I parked my car in the empty parking spot and ran with my high heels as fast as I could towards the emergency section.

A tall blonde guy was sitting at the reception desk working on the computer. I turned to him and asked, "Hi, may I know where Mrs. Davis is? She just came in an hour ago."

He looked at me and then back at the screen; "Give me a minute."

"Please hurry; it's an emergency; I need to be there as soon as possible."

The guy frowned and started looking at the lists. "She is in the general ward, walk straight and turn to your first right."

"Thank you so much." I smiled at him.

He nodded, and his eyes then traveled down my body, ogling me up. I raised my eyebrows in question, and he smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and headed where the receptionist had guided me.

Similar beds lined up on both sides, some vacant, and some had patients. It was hard to find the person I was looking for; people were rushing here and there with medicine prescriptions and doctors with first aid. I walked past them and saw Anna sitting by her grandmother; she held her granny's hand, weeping silently. The aged Mrs. Davis was unconscious, and several machines were attached to her body. I felt pity for both the poor women. They didn't deserve this state of sorrow; they were already going through a lot.

Coming closer to the bed, I moved to Anna and placed my hand on her shoulder. The moment I touched her, she looked back and hugged me tightly from the waist, and started to cry louder.

"Shh... it's going to be okay." I told her, running my hand on her back. I moved my fingers in her beautiful silky dark blonde hair, comforting her. She was one of the bravest girls I knew, at the age where she should be enjoying life; partying, and dating; she was working, taking care of her granny, and keeping up the good grades altogether.

I let Anna cry, letting her release all the pent-up stress she had on her shoulders.

I didn't know how long we stayed like that until I heard someone cough at the back; I moved my head and saw a doctor standing there with an intense expression on his face. He looked like he was in his mid-forties and was a little stout.

"Yes, Doctor?" I asked.

"I would like to have a word with Ms. Davis here." He said, nudging his head towards Anna.

Anna looked towards him and nodded her head, and gestured for him to begin. The doctor looked at me and then at Anna again. Maybe he wanted to talk to family only.

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