Chapter 4

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Sacha's P.O.V:

When I had entered the private room, I knew something terrible would happen. Just looking at Alexander Williams for real was way beyond expectations. He was deadly gorgeous; the look in his eyes made my hair stand as if he was ravishing me with them.

What I didn't expect was that he would be such a bastard.
Who the hell does he think he is? I would never allow another man to use me again. I was not a tissue to be used and thrown.

I was angry, but not in a million years would I have thought he would kiss me. The moment his lips touched mine, I went into a trance. My whole body fired up, and he made my breath catch up in my throat. When his lips left mine, I was brought back on Earth, realizing what had just happened. Anger fueled inside me, and I slapped him hard across his face.


To my utter dismay, he was amused. Rather than being ashamed, he had this wicked smile on his face.

"Okay, Sacha, can I kiss you?" He winked at me.

The hair on my body stood up. I looked at Alex in shock, and I couldn't believe he had just said that.

That's what you want, Sacha. He is asking it himself. Please give it to him.

No, I told myself. This guy is using me.

"No," I said.

"Why not? Didn't you enjoy the kiss?" He asked, smiling way more than before, that bastard.

"No, I mean, Yes. I mean, no, no, I don't get involved with my clients." I said and folded my arms to hide my nervousness and not to allow him to get any closer.

As he was looking at me, my heart thumped loudly; hundreds of butterflies swarmed inside me. Ohh, Gosh, my hormones were moving fast, and I was surprised I could keep my distance from him. But I knew that my willpower would break anytime soon.

"Neither do I." He said.


"I do not mix work and pleasure. That's why I don't want you to work for me. Because I want you with me." His eyes turned darker.

"You what?" I couldn't hide my surprise.

He made a step towards me, my heart raced, and I took one back. He glided towards me with significant long steps until my back reached the glass wall. His cologne consumed my mind, and I felt like I was drugged. Keeping his hands on the glass, he blocked me from going anywhere. He ran his nose along my jawbone and down towards my neckline and lightly blew; I knew I was holding my breath; I could not think straight; my body was betraying me. My head automatically tilted to the side to give him more access.

But he froze and stepped back.

I saw his expression change.
What the hell just happened?

"I want to sleep with you. Just for a couple of days, nothing serious." He told me deadpan.

What the Fuck.
Who does he think he is?

"No," I said and removed myself from his way.

"Why not? I am paying you for your work. That's all that matters, doesn't it?"

He was making me angrier with his stupid accusations.

"What do you think I am? I am not a cheap whore who will fall for your money and let you do whatever you want. My work is more important to me than your money. You keep it to yourself and excuse me." I shut down my laptop and started to gather my things.

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