Chapter 10 - Getting Closer And Her Resolve

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"What's happening? Where is this bright light coming from?" Kuwabara asked as he tried to cover his eyes from the blinding light.

"Most likely from the one who has the fifth Legendary Weapon which was the Staff of Shimmer," Kurama stated despite being distracted.

The blinding light lasted for a few more minutes before it faded. But to Kurama's surprise, Yusuke and the others had vanished without a trace. He tried calling them out but to no avail. They vanished just at the same time as the light vanished.

'Where are they? Why did they... vanish all of a sudden?' He asked in his thoughts but the answer he got was another telepathic message from Yumi.

'That bright light had unintentionally transported your friends somewhere. It's one of the powers of the Staff of Shimmer.'

Kurama frowned at the statement. 'It seems to me you knew who has the fifth weapon.'

'Fortunately, yes. Though it was a little too sudden for us to know that,' Yumi replied. 'You better hurry up coming here before Riya lose even more blood because of her injury.'

Without a word, he began running on the staircase and in no time, he reached the scene. But then he was surprised to see that the other wielders had disappeared (given that he didn't know who they were). The demon shinobi must have been blasted to atoms thanks to that intense light which might have been caused by an attack from the Staff of Shimmer. The other thing that surpised him was the fact that Ayako was there as she tried to walk with the unconscious Riya on her back.

"Kirisawa-san, what are you doing here?" Kurama immediately asked as he approached the said girl.

"I don't have time to explain everything, Minamino-kun. Right now, Miyuzaki must be taken to a hospital. She has serious injuries because of the part of the ceiling that almost crushed her and right now, she's bleeding profusely. And I don't think this part of the building could hold us much longer."

Though confused with Ayako's answer, Kurama complied with what she wanted him to do. He took Riya from the brunette's back and carried her bridal style. When he scanned Riya, he found out that Ayako was telling the truth about the injuries and the bleeding. With that, they all rushed to get out of that building.

Paramedics immediately put Riya to the stretcher as soon as the three of them went out. Ayako decided to stay there and wait for her father to fetch her there while he decided to accompany the paramedics to take Riya to the nearest hospital.


Riya woke up shortly after the wounds were treated which relieved Kurama so much. He was getting too much worried about her while she was being rushed to the hospital and he couldn't actually let go of her hand along the way.

"Why are you still here, Shuichi-kun? You should be getting home by now," Riya said the first thing she opened her eyes and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed while still holding her hand. And when they noticed that, both of them immediately let go of their hands and avoided their stares.

It was a good thing they did that since both of them were blushing at the time. At the very least, none of them would notice that. Riya was holding her right hand which was held a while back by Shuichi.

'I can't believe this. How long does Shuichi-kun keep on holding my hand like that? And why am I feeling so... nervous? Why does my heart beat like this as if it wanted to get out of my chest?' She kept on asking to herself as she placed her right hand to her chest where her heart was located. And she could feel it pounding at an erratic rate.

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