Chapter 42 - Two Hearts' Duet

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Riya and Mari were talking at the school gate when Yumi arrived. Both ladies smiled at the sight of the Fire Wielder.

"Yumi-san, you're here," Mari exclaimed. Yumi just smiled at that.

"I just came here to record the gang's performances. After that, I'll be helping Yusuke and Keiko-chan deliver the invitations. By the way, have you handed the invitations to Kurama's family?"

Mari nodded. "I just handed it to them before I came here."

"I guess the same goes to Koenma, Botan-chan, Genkai-san, and Yukina-chan," Riya said, more of a statement than a question.

"That's right." And then Mari handed a tote bag where the invitations were placed. After that, she took out an envelope from the right chest pocket of her brown overcoat. "I know you'll be the one to personally invite him."

Riya took the envelope from Mari and silently read the name encoded on it. 'Minamino Shuichi.' And with that, she smiled before facing the silver-haired maiden. "Thank you, Mari-san. When you go to the hotel, please say hello to Mama and Haruna-neesan for me."

"I will, my Lady."

"We need to head back to the auditorium. Your 45-minute break will be over soon," Yumi said to Riya.

She agreed and said goodbye to Mari before heading back to the auditorium. But as she walked closer and closer to the place, she couldn't help but feel nervous about their duet performance. Yumi sensed that and so the blonde tapped her best friend's head which surprised Riya.

"Yumi?" Riya asked with a frown

The blonde smiled gently. "You don't have to feel nervous about it. Just sing like you usually do."

"But this is different, Yumi. This time, I'll be singing with a partner. I don't usually sing with a partner and you know that," Riya said.

"He's not just a partner... Is that what you're saying?" Yumi commented as she looked at her mistress. "...because you love him..."

She snapped out from her worry and looked at Yumi wide-eyed. After a few seconds, her face turned solemn. "You really can tell?"

"Of course, I can tell. We've been best friends for a long time. There's just something that prevented you from expressing your feelings for Kurama and I can understand that. At first, I was like that with Hiei, that's why we always ended up bickering all the time while we were in the Demon World. Give yourself some time to assess your feelings to be sure. That way, you won't end up regretting it," Yumi said seriously.

"Thank you, Yumi. Saying it to you like that made me feel calm somehow. Give me a copy of the video later, okay?"

Yumi laughed and nodded. Then they headed to the auditorium.


The duet performance was about to start when the two girls reached the hall. Yumi sat on one of the chairs away from the students but far enough to record the performances from a good angle. Riya sat beside Kurama who was getting slightly worried for her.

"Where have you been? You went out without telling me where you were heading," Kurama said, worry evident in his tone.

Riya smiled apologetically and put her palms together to the level of her chin. "Sorry. It's just that I have to get something from Mari-san. Did I make you worry?"

That question surprised Kurama but he recovered soon after.

"I was and I admit that. But since you came back safe and sound, it's alright. Next time, tell me where you are heading so that I wouldn't worry here. Okay?"

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