Chapter 56 - Family Conference

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The next morning...

Like what Kurama said to Riya, he headed out to Hokkaido as early as he could. What he didn't plan, though, was for the rest of the gang ー including the wielders and the demon shinobi siblings ー to come along with him. According to them, they received a call from Ritsuko and Haruna saying that they should come along, as well. They made sure, however, not to let Riya come with them since the issue had something to do with her.

In fact, it was her grandfather's request.

Upon arriving to the airport of the said island, Ritsuko and an old man probably not older than 50 greeted them. She said that he was the head butler of the family. With a bus waiting for them, all of them rode in it and they headed to the Miyuzaki estate where Riya's grandfather was waiting for Kurama's arrival.

Riya's grandfather ー Shoutaro Miyuzaki ー was one of the revered clan elders and one of the former heads of the family before Haruna took over the position in Hiroto's place. He was the person that Ayako's father once guarded. But despite being the forner head of the family, his authority to the clan hadn't diminish one bit and so did his health. In fact, at the age of 87, he could still walk without any wheelchairs or canes. Surprisingly, he could also do some martial arts that were powerful enough to be feared by his enemies. In addition to that, he was called the Spirit Summoning Arts' Master of the Masters. He could summon spirits of any of the four elements to use its powers in order to defeat the enemies. It was he who taught Ritsuko how to harness lightning as a weapon ー an ability that Riya later inherited and learned.

Shoutaro Miyuzaki was strict when it comes to family rules, especially those that had something to do with his direct descendants. That was why he called for Kurama's presence that day since the issue they needed to discuss had something to do with his only granddaughter. Moreover, the old man also asked for the presence of the wielders and the team, as well. If Kurama wasn't mistaken, his parents Shiori and Kazuya were called, too. Suuichi was supposed to come, as well, but his stepbrother's camping trip prevented him to do so. Thinking about that again made him breathe heavily as he looked out of the bus window he was currently riding on.

I guess I shouldn't have belittled this conference. I wouldn't be dealing with just Riya's grandfather but the entire clan, too. This is definitely one serious issue to be discussed, he thought. As he continued to watch outside, a certain spot caught his eyes. His heart beat faster for some reason. He was frowning as he looked at the place again. I felt like I've been there, though. I'm not sure if I really went there before. But he had to think about that later. Right now, all he needed to worry about was the upcoming family conference.

He could only hope he would survive this. This might not be a part of the trials he needed to deal with but he has to do what it takes to prove himself worthy for Riya. And if dealing with the entire Miyuzaki clan would do so, then he would gladly take the challenge.

A few minutes more had passed and the bus finally reached the Miyuzaki estate. Those that hadn't been there were definitely awed to see such an enormous estate. Yumi could only smile at them. Aside from Ritsuko and the head butler, Yumi also lived in the Miyuzaki estate since birth. Until now, the Fire Wielder and her mother lived there as they served the family loyally.

The bus stopped in front of the estate and one by one, they went out. Several maids and houseboys waited for their arrival, as it seemed. One of them said that the Miyuzaki clan lord was already waiting at the conference room along with some people required to come. Now Kurama knew that the scary part began. But this was no time for him to be scared.

"Hey, Kurama. Are you sure you're alright?" Yusuke asked in a whisper as to not let the others notice.

The red head just answered with a smile and a small nod. Then his face turned serious the moment they all reached the conference room ー which turned out to be an enormous Japanese room with futon prepared for each of the guest who were called for that meeting. All of them then entered the room. Surprisingly, even Hiei entered the said room that confused the rest of the team but the fire demon chose to shrug it off and ignore it. Only Yumi knew the reason why he was going with the flow.

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