Chapter 30 - Even If It's The End

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Even though Riya slept late last night—or rather morning since she slept way past midnight—she woke up earlier than the others. She woke up way early, just before the sun began rising into the sky. She was about to get up when she felt something wrapped around her body. Frowning a bit, she turned around in bed and stared at the person lying next to her with his body facing her own.

That was when she remembered that Kurama insisted on staying beside her after they talked last night. It was his arms that wrapped around her body now, his breath fanning her face. He was sleeping peacefully on his side, with a small smile on his face. All she could do was smile sadly to herself as she continued looking at his face.

Riya carefully slipped out of Kurama's grasp and got out of bed. She successfully went out of the room without creating a noise that would wake him up. When she decided to head out to the backyard, she wasn't surprised to see Hiei sleeping on a tree just near the house. As careful as she could, she passed by the tree where the fire demon was. She didn't want to wake anyone up by now. They needed all the rest they deserve as a preparation for the battle at the rise of the full moon.

Sighing to ease a heavy heart, Riya headed to the field where Kurama confessed to her. Beneath the sakura tree, to be exact. She didn't know why she decided to go there but it was the place she had in mind at that moment. Probably to reminisce the memory and the feeling she had felt back then for one last time. She didn't want everything to end but that was how she was feeling at the time.

She decided to stay there for a while as she watched the sunrise in the sky leaning her back against the tree. The morning breeze felt so refreshing as it gently blew across the green field. This was one of the moments in her life in she would treasure to the fullest. Why was it that a person learned to finally appreciate the world's beauty when he/she was dying?

"I thought I'd see you here," a voice said that startled her and made her turn to know who it was.

"It's a surprise to see you woke up early," Riya replied with a smile before Yusuke approached her and sat beside her, his back also leaning against the tree. "What made you come here?"

"I wanted to talk to you since we haven't done that for a long time. And besides, I'm worried about you."

Riya had no outward reaction, though. And that made Yusuke continue speaking.

"I wasn't angry at you at all for keeping all of this from me. You did that to protect us and I appreciate that. If it's me, I'd do the same thing. We all have secrets to keep. What I'm saying is..." Yusuke paused, unable to continue. He then sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Now that we're about to face the demon shinobi's leader, I want you to know that I'll protect you and Kurama no matter what. I'll protect you and we'll all come home safe and sound. I'm not going to let them kill you or Kurama. It's my promise to you. Okay?"

It took a while for Yusuke's words to settle in Riya's mind before she smiled.

"Thank you... Onii-chan..."

Riya called Yusuke "onii-chan" because that was how he was to her back in Hokkaido. If Hiroto wasn't around, it was Yusuke who was protecting her from the bullies. And now, even though she wasn't interacting much with the team, he was still doing his job not just as a cousin but as an older brother, as well.

"I thought I'll never hear you call me like that again," Yusuke said before laughing. "I missed you calling me Onii-chan. Now I felt like I'd gone back to Hokkaido. Do you know? During those times Mom and I would visit you during the holidays..."

Riya ended up heaving a sigh upon hearing that. "I guess it won't happen again..." she murmured, making her receive a whack on her head from Yusuke. "Ow! Why did you do that for?!" she asked as she held her head whacked by her cousin.

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