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Shinso groaned as he heard the irritating sound of his stop watch.


Having the inability to see which button is which, he grabbed onto the watch and gripped it in his fist, pressing all the buttons simultaneously. He lifted himself up, half awake yet still cautious of the low "ceiling". He pressed another button on the watch to illuminate the small LED screen which read 7:43.

He jolted awake and his eyes widened. "Fuck! Fuck! Son of a motherfffffucker! Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!" He threw a bundle of curses as he gathered his uniform. He unsheathed his hide away and crawled out into the world. Thought I set the right time, dammit!

"Late, late late! Fuuuck!" He cried out. He quickly changed into his uniform, looking quite messy in the end result. But he paid no mind as he slipped on his shoes and ran off.


Three minutes to spare. He pushed past a crowd of students in the hall, trying to at least make it to the staff room to catch his teacher so he'd have an excuse why he was late.

Shinso jogged up the stairs and straight for the office. Then jogging turned into running. He didn't hesitate to push open the door the moment he arrived, using all his strength in the heat of the moment.

"I... I-I have it.... Signed!" He panted. He heard a couple laughs come from across the room. He lifted his head up to see to Midnight and Snipe trying to suppress a major laughing fit, with the woman getting up and walking leisurely towards him.

"Well good mornin' to ya, too, kiddo." Snipe greeted, still stifling his laughter behind his mask.

"Alright, thanks, kid." Shinso handed over his form just as the bell rang to start the school day.

"Dammit..." The teen cursed

"I'll write you a note to class, don't worry." The woman reassured.

"And fix yer uniform up. Ectoplasm is on a bit of uniform-check rampage." Snipe told the boy as he stood up to leave. Shinso did as he was told; he properly fixed his tie, buttoned up the last three buttons on his undershirt, adjusted his jacket, and unbundled his pant leg. He was looking more proper now.

As Midnight looked for her hall passes, she examined the form. She stopped when she read the names.

"Kobayashi?" She asked aloud.

"Ma'am?" Shinso asked, caught of guard a bit.

"Kobayashi, the surname. Your's is Shinso, though."

"Um, yeah..... Kobayashi Yui and Hayato are my, well, l-legal guardians. M-my aunt and uncle." He shifted in place as the heroin looked at him.

"But yesterday you said your mom and dad work late. Where are they at? What happened to them?"

I forgot about that lie, fuck. He mentally slapped himself. See Hitoshi, this is why we push past morals and practice lying. You're a street kid now! Act like one!

"They are not legally my, uh, um.... Legal guardians.... Y'know, shit happens?"

Taking another look at the signatures, she raised a brow.

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