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Shinso plopped onto the bottom bunk, exhausted from pushing a heavy desk into the corner of his room. Aizawa cursed under his breath as he stretched out, cracking his neck to get all the stiff crinks out.

"Are we done?" Shinso asked, tired.

"There's just your chair and lamp. Those are light so go get them. I'll set the computer up as best I can until Hizashi gets home." Shinso nodded. He got up to retrieve the chair and lamp from the living room.

Shinso finally got his own desk to work at, which he very happy about. He was also happy to have his first computer, even if it was a very old model. He doesn't need anything flashy to work on, no matter if it were a hand-me-down or not, he doesn't care.

Hizashi was away at the hospital for his monthly check up to make sure his quirk wasn't tearing his vocal cords apart, and brought Hoshi with to get him seen by his own doctor for his ears. So Shinso and Aizawa were alone until they got back.

Shinso grabbed the rolling chair about to roll it along when he noticed one of the cats curled up sleeping, Kat. He bent down and began to stroke her back. "Hey," He whispered. "Aizawa says you've barely been out because of me. Is that true?" Kat rose her head up, sleepily looking Shinso in the eyes. He continued to pet her. "Do you not like me? He says you're shy. Is that it?"

Kat's tail began to sway back and forth. Shinso took notice, knowing that it meant she was getting agitated. He backed away with his hands up defensively. "Woah, hey! I'm just trying to bond with you! Can I please have my chair at least?" Kat laid her head back down, ignoring the teen.


"KAT SCARES ME!" Shinso yelled back. It was quiet again until he heard a low whistle. Kat's head popped back up, eyes wide.

"KATASTROPHE!" Aizawa called then whistled. The calico cat hopped down and ran off.

Shinso grabbed the dusty, desk lamp, a hand-me-down from Aizawa's mother, carefully sat it on the chair's seat and rolled off. He stopped it at the corner by the door, watching as Aizawa tried to figure out which cord went where.

"Having trouble, old man?" Shinso smirked.

"Don't call me old." Aizawa threw down the wire, frustrated. "And for your information, I haven't used this stupid thing in, like, six years. Hizashi is more tech savvy than me, he'll set this crap up instead." He moved the computer screen and tower to the side of the desk, setting the cords behind the bed so a certain feline predator couldn't get to it.

"Just set your desk up for now. Maybe get more work done." Shinso groaned.

"I'm tired of work!" He plopped down on the converted sofa, whining and frowning. "Can't I take a break? I already finished all my Lit work!"

"Great, then next is math!" Shinso groaned again. "Oh come in, you've got only six sheets to do. Ectoplasm isn't making you do all the missing work."

"I wanna die! Kill me!" Aizawa snorted and rolled his eyes, walking out of the teens room.

Hizashi and Hoshi were home an hour later, Hoshi being put down for a nap and then both adults going down for one themselves. Shinso sat in the living room, ignoring his missing work assignments as much as possible.


Aizawa flipped over to his stomach as his phone woke him. He pushed himself up, grabbing his screaming phone and reading the caller ID; Tsukauchi. He answered it, whispering out a hello, not wanting to wake up the blond.

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