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Shinso slipped his dark turtleneck styled shirt on, slipping his head gear on afterwards. He clipped his dark purple belt in place over his baggy black cargo pants, slipped his rope like capture weapon into his spot on his utility belt. He slid into his black and purple boots, snapping the purple clips into place. He fixed his hair so it wasn't stuck in his headset.

Unfortunately, he wasn't going to be using his equipment or quirk outside of UA grounds. He's yet to get his provisional license which has caused him to be slumped in with Vlad King and Awase. Neither students has their license and so they couldn't participate in the internships. Shinso wasn't there for the first test so that was highly understandable, but Awase ended up getting injured and pulled out, ultimately failing. His slump in with their teacher was mandatory but Shinso's wasn't. He could've chosen another resident hero around the city to do short patrols with but he chose to stick with his teacher. And so, after Principal Nezu had talked it through with Vlad King, it was decided that Shinso would be under his teacher's tutelage.

Its already been three weeks of this; going around a few of Vlad King's usual patrolling spots, hanging back when there's danger, and then heading back to the school grounds for Awase's supplemental lessons. Shinso didn't have to participate in the last activity, but with Aizawa being so secretive and secluded and barely helping at home its left Hizashi to do all the work now and to pick Hoshi up; leaving Shinso alone with extra time on his hands too. Except the blond did understand. As an underground hero, he has duties that not many should know about. He goes on many dangerous missions and always comes back with injuries and new scars. So with the raven haired man doing his business, Hizashi had to pull up his end of the weight; shopping, taking care of Hoshi, cleaning, cooking, and filing away any important documents all by himself. Hizashi has also been intrusted to pick Shinso up after his lessons and such, Aizawa basically demanding that. But because of how busy he's gotten, its always a but later everyday. Neither knew why the man was so demanding about it, though, but chalked it up to a case that seemed to of gotten under his skin.

Awase came over from the other side of the locker room, dressed in his own costume. As he was about to start making small talk, the door creaked open, Vlad King emerging from around the corner of one of the lockers. "Hey teach! We just got done ge-"

"There's no patrol today." Vlad informed. "Get undressed and head back to the dorms. And, Shinso," The violette jolted at his name.

"Midnight is waiting for you in the front when you're done." Confused but compliant, Shinso nodded.

The large teacher left the teens. Awase turned to Shinso, "Why you gotta meet up with Miss Midnight for?" He asked. Shinso shrugged again as he tugged down the high collar to speak.

"I dunno. My pops was supposed to pick me up like always..." He began to take his gear off as Awase went back to do the same. He changed back into his school uniform, grabbed his things, and left, going the opposite way as his classmate.

Shinso entered the office, seeing Midnight leaning against the counter, talking to the secretary about whatever. When she acknowledged his presence, she said her goodbyes and had the teen follow her, leading him to the staff parking lot. When they reached her car, she unlocked it and told him he could either sit in the front or the back, didn't matter really. He chose the back seeing as the front was a mess, with cluttered papers and random snack wrappers on the floorboard.

When they rolled off of the school campus, Shinso finally asked what was going on, leaning forward in his seat as best he could dispute the seat belt. "Where are we going? Where's pops at?" Midnight side glanced the rear view mirror before looking back at the road then answering.

"The hospital." She said casually. This confused the teen even more.

"Um, why?" He tried to lean up more when they stopped at a red light but Midnight pushed him back a little with her elbow, nonverbally telling him to sit back down.

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