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"Yeah, he's on the couch watching Supernatural. ....Of course I sinned and put in a disc! Duh!" Hizashi laughed as he slipped his shoes on, phone to his ear. "He's on episode six of season one right now and he's loving it." He laughed.

"Alright, I'll see you later tonight. Love you, Sho. Bye." Hizashi hung up the phone and peeked his head past the dividing wall into the living room. Shinso sat upright in the middle of the couch, watching Supernatural with the Japanese subtitles on. Hizashi normally never had them on, but the kid wasn't as fluent in English as he was.

He put Supernatural on seeing it was already nine-thirty and nothing was on. He thought it'd be okay for the teenager to watch. "Don't stay up too late, kid. Tv goes off at eleven and head hits that pillow by eleven o' one."

"So the shifter just took Dean's form right?" The violette asked, ignoring the blond's instructions. He shook his head. He swung open the door to leave, only to be greeted by Yagi Toshinori, aka All Might, with his fist raised, ready to knock.

"Hey, Tosh," He waved. "Uh, Hoshi is already asleep, I put him down like ten minutes ago. And Shota says he-"

"He filled me in, yeah. Shinso Hitoshi is staying the night because of a situation. I got it."

"Alright, thanks for babysitting again tonight. Bye."

"No problem, bye Hizashi." Toshinori casually walked into the living room and sat on the couch. The teenager hadn't even noticed the blond.

"Supernatural, huh?" He spoke up, finally getting the boy's attention. "Wait 'til season four."

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"Alright, listeners! One last call and then its time to sign off for the night!"





"You're on the air, listener."

"Yeah, um.... So this is Mina Ashido, class 1-A, and I was wandering about question twelve on tonight's homework. Do we have to rewrite the sentence with the correct adverbs oooor....?"

Hizashi smiled behind his cupped hand, resiting the urge to burst out laughing, "Ashido, please. I gave you my email for homework questions. Don't call the radio again if its homework related."

"Okay well I have another question. Do I HAVE to do Tuesday's test?"

"Good night, Ashido!"

The blond leaned back into his chair, looking in his boss's direction. His boss gave a thumbs up and pressed a few buttons. He sat back up to the mic.

"It is eleven fifty-six, listeners. How about some Louis Armstrong to play out this lovely Friday night." He pressed a button and What a wonderful world began to play. He looked up for the red light to shut off, when it did, he took off his headphones and backed out of the table.

Hizashi stretched his arms out then began to depart the room. He bid a quick farewell and left. He pulled out his phone just as a text pinged up.

Look to ur right

He did as the text instructed and turned around to see his husband, a small smirk resting on his pale, scruffy face.

"Sho, hey!" Aizawa approached the other, placing a quick side kiss on his cheek. "What are you doin' here? Didn't you get off like an hour ago?"

Aizawa shrugged, "Villain attack. Then Mt. Lady was failing to stop a jewelry shop robbery so me and Nemuri had to step in at the last minute."

"Also," Hizashi slipped his hand into Aizawa's, strolling along the hallway to the elevator. "I thought we could use a talk. Y'know, about Shinso?"

"So you've been thinking?"

"Yeah. First, share your opinion. Never got to hear your's."

"Well," Hizashi began. "Seeing as I was almost put into the system, I feel strongly about this."

"I understand that."

"I still don't know his entire situation, but maybe we could let him stay the weekend? Or week?"



The two made it to the elevator and boarded it, pressing the first floor button. "You do know that's how you ended up adopting Hoshi, right? Three months of volunteering turned into a year, and a year turned into adoption papers."

Hizashi laughed, "Yeah, yeah. I know."

"We can let him stay the weekend, then Monday afternoon, after school, child services picks him and a investigation is held." Aizawa said. Hizashi watched the numbers descend.

"So we are gonna call 'em?"

"Its.... Its best to."

"Why wait until Monday, though?"

"I talked to Vlad earlier. I told him about what happened, and hes willing to let Shinso retake the test. Only if I help him study this weekend."

"Okay, cool."

The two finished their discussion about the boy and started a new discussion. They talked about trivial things; what they'll have for dinner tomorrow, new lesson plans for the following week, shopping list, ect.

On the way back, they picked up some pizza for themselves. They made it back home by one sixteen, with a teenager still up, already at the midway point of season one of Supernatural, and their friend half asleep on the couch. They woke their blond friend up and bid him a farewell and some gratitude.

"Shinso," Aizawa began as he sat down with a few slices of pepperoni pizza. "We've talked about it and you're staying." He couldn't bare to tell him the whole truth; about the social worker and everything.

"I am?" The violette asked, eyes barely moving from the tv.

Aizawa nodded. "But on one condition."

Shinso looked at his mentor a second before responding. "W-which is....?"

"You are to retake that test. Me and Hizashi can help you study later today since we're both off. And Sunday you'll retake it."

"He talked to Kan, uh- Vlad King- and he's got it set where he'll use your new grade and trash your old grade." Hizashi added on.

"So.... I can't watch more Supernatural then?"

"When you're not studying, you can." Aizawa took a bite of his food, oh-so-gracefully stuffing his face. "Therfs a few fieshes leff if you fwan' any pissha." He said with his mouth full.

"Babe, please. Don't... Don't talk with your mouth full. Its disgusting."

"You're dishgushing." He retorted childishly.

Shinso laughed slightly under his breath. He turned his attention back to the TV just as Dean was salting Dr. Ellicott's corpse.

After Shinso finished one last episode, after begging the two to let him, Hizashi helped the boy set up a bed on the couch for him. It wasn't the most comfortable thing to sleep on but it was better than his hole.

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