Chapter 1

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Lucy Pov:
It had been 11 years since I left fairy tail and 10 years rasing my only daughter, Nashi Layla Starheart.

"Nashi honey it's time for school!" I said shaking my sleepy daughter.

"Ok mommy!" Nashi jumped right out of bed as I slowly walked out of her room.

I started making breakfast. You can all guess who her father is. She is just like him in ways. She's selfless, She has a bottomless pit for a stomach, and she loves spicy stuff.

"I'm all ready momma!" Nashi said sitting down at the table.

After Nashi finished eating I walked her to school.

"Bye momma!" Nashi said as she rushed into the school building.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*(*❦ω❦)*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Nashi's P.o.V:
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*(*❦ω❦)*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
I hate school. I never told my mom about getting bullied cause I don't need her help. I just offend my main bully Haulie Norway.

"Hey snobby nose!" I said walking in and smacking her neck.

"Oh hi Fatherless Starheart! I thought your mom left but I guess she was to scared to try and leave!" I just looked at her after saying that.

"Whatever." I walked over to my desk and sat by my best friend Ally.

"Hey Nashi! You will never believe this!" Ally commented to break the awkward scilence.

"Oh? What is it!" I took sip of my water.

"Fairy Tail is coming today to teach us about bullying!" I spat out my drink out Haulie's ugly face.

"EWWW!!" She screamed while me and Ally laughed.

"Now settle down class! As some of you may know Fairy Tail is coming today to teach you about no bullying!" Everyone just cheered at my teachers words. Haulie just gagged.

(1 hour later)
"Oh there here! I present Team Natsu from Fairy Tail! They will be your teachers for the day while I go to a meeting for the day." My teacher presented them into the classroom.

"Ugh! FUCK! I look ugly! HOWS GRAY GONNA LOVE ME!?" I laughed at Haulie as she told her friend that.

"You all know what Fairy Tail is right!?" A little blue haired girl asked. She was Wendy Marvell

"YES!" We all screamed but not as loud as me.

"Well that's what we are. We are from Fairy Tail's strongest team, Team Natsu." A red haired lady stated. It was Erza Scarlett.

"Yes this idiot over here is who we named the team after. Natsu is dense but he has a lot to say." A raven haired man looked directly at Mr.Natsu as we all laughed. He was Gray Fullbuster.

"OML MY CRUSH! Ima die!" Haulie pretend to faint.

"My My Gray! Seems as if that sweet little lady likes you. Can you come up please!?" Erza asked to Haulie as I gagged and everyone else cheered except for Ally.

"Little girl what's you name?" Gray asked as Haulie had hearts in her eyes.

(Let's pretend this person is Haulie) "My names Haulie sir! YOUR BIGGEST FAN GIRL EVER!" They all laughed at her words

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(Let's pretend this person is Haulie)
"My names Haulie sir! YOUR BIGGEST FAN GIRL EVER!" They all laughed at her words.

"So Haulie? Have you ever bullied anyone!?" Natsu asked as she shook her head.

"No sir! I'm a nice girl that loves everyone!" I put my head on my desk and tried not to cry from her lies.

"Good-" Natsu said as he quickly got cut off by Ally.

"LIES! LIES! LIES!" Gray looked at Haulie with a disgusted face and backed away a little bit.

"Oh? And what's your name? Come up here and tell us why she's lying!" Ally walked up to the board.


"I mean come on! She's fatherless! Her mother writes Novels! NASHI IS SOO STUPID!" All the kids laughed while Team Natsu all gave her nasty glares.

"LEAVE ME ALONE! I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO YOU!" I ran out of the room as fast as I could hoping nobody would come after me. I sat down by the lockers and cried.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*(*❦ω❦)*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
How was this for a first chapter. Sorry if it was short and sucked! I will make more chapters later.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*(*❦ω❦)*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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