Chapter 26:

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---Drew and colored a more accurate photo of Nashi. What I originally put she looked like isn't at all how I want her to look 😂 So here's this horrible attempt to make art---

*~Lucy's POV*~ -----3 months later-----

I swear to god if Natsu doesn't stop pissing me off I will kill him single handedly.

"Luceeee I want pancakes! Not some off brand burnt waffles!" Natsu complained having a temper tantrum. Nashi just laughed at him.

"Luceeee! Tell Nashi to shut up!" He whined slumping in his chair. I rolled my eyes at his stupid behavior, "Aren't you her dad? If it bothers you that much just ground her." Natsu smiled. "MOM!" Nashi yelled as Natsu carried her to her room and shut the door. All I could hear was screaming. I didn't care though.

I'm eight months pregnant and I feel ready to give birth at any second. As I say that my water breaks. This isn't good.

"NATSU!" I yell sitting down in a chair. He comes out holding his belt and Nashi's crying.

"What? I'm woopin her." Natsu respondes. "My water broke dummie." I snapped back. His eye's widened. "NASHI GET HELP! YOUR MOMS HAVING THE KIDS!" Natsu yelled slipping on cooking oil. Nashi ran out and slipped as well. "Owieee!" She cried getting up and running out the door. So clumsy.

*~Nashi's POV*~
I ran out the door in my bare feet in the cold with no jacket. I looked like a maniac. Luckily aunt Erza and Rosemary were walking around town.

"Auntie Erza!" I yelled running twoards them. She turned around, "Nashi is something wrong?" Aunt Erza asked smiling. No wonder. They had a big strawberry cake.

"Mom went into labor. She said because she's a mage it's going faster then normal. Can you help?" I replied. Her eye's widened, "Of course. Rosemary go get Wendy and Chelia from the dorms." Auntie said pointing twoards the hill with the dorms. Rosemary nodded and started running off.

Aunt Erza followed me inside the home and started scolding dad for not doing anything to help his girlfriend. Soon enough Rosemary came back with Wendy and Chelia.

*~Lucy's POV*~

I'm in so much pain. Wendy and Chelia instructed me to go into the bathtub so I can have the kids there. Natsu filled up the bathtub and I got in. I squeezed the life out of his hand while pushing. It hurt even worse then when Erza beat me with her sword once when I destroyed her cake.

After what felt like hours there was finally crying. One kid. The boy came out first then the girl. One blonde and one pink.

"So cute.." I cried holding one of the crying infants. Erza cleaned them off and wrapped them into blankets.

"So Natsu. What did you have in mind?" I asked scared for his reply. He smiled, "Igneel Simon and Layla Ur." He replied. Wow. He named them after Simon and Gray's master Ur. So sweet. Gray would be so happy. And I thought he was retarded as hell.

"Simon.." Erza mumbled. She looked happy.

"Who's Ur and Simon?" Nashi and Rosemary asked. I smiled. "Ur was your uncle Gray's mom type role model. She taught him his magic and his stripping habit. Simon came from someone very special to your mom and dad Rosemary. He died while we fought your dad when he was being controlled by Ultear Ur's only biological child." Natsu explained. Nashi's face lit up, "Woah! You fought Uncle Jellal!?" She asked in awe. Rosemary was in awe too.

"Yup. That was one hell of an experience. Akane resort was something I'll never forget. What about you Erza?" Natsu said gently rocking Igneel in his arms.

Erza smiled, "Definitely. You destroying the tower of heaven along with saving me from death was quite the experience. Sadly Simon couldn't make it. Luckily Kagura was alright and we made up. She's not someone I'd ever want to have a grudge against or with."

The kids were very impressed with the story. Nashi had a hard time believing everything Natsu told her. She believed we were just regular wizard's who did jobs for money.

Besides that the twins are adorable. Layla had small curly blonde locks while Igneel had hair kinda like Nashi when she was a baby.

As immature as Natsu may be he's a very good dad and boyfriend. Over protective as hell but sure beats having one who treats me like my dad did.

Sorry if that part with the twins felt rushed. Tryna make it go quicker because I thought of something to add to the story. Have a good day/ night~ <3

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