Chapter 17:

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*~Natsu's POV*~

"Tiffany!? What the hell are you doing back?" I asked. She looked at me with a confused face. "Oh Natsu I was framed! Lucy faked this whole thing for attention. She was never captured by anyone, her spirits pretend to kidnap her so she didn't have to be with Nashi anymore. You know I never would do this right?" Tiffany lied. I shook my head, "I know Luce, She wouldn't do that. And she loves Nashi. You can't get yourself out of this one. Now get out, we're over!"

She stood in silence for a minute, "No, we're not over Natsu you silly dragon! C'mon lets start over from the beginning. I can be a mom to Nashi and we can have kids of our own!" I pointed towards the door, "Out. Even if i wanted more kids you wouldn't be getting any."

Nashi walked towards us, "Dad? Who was that?" She said rubbing her eyes. "Nobody you should worry about. Now get back to bed alright?"


*~Nashi's POV*~


I started to fall asleep when all of a sudden the window opened above the bed. Someone jumped in. I woke right up. "God how did he do this!?" The person said. "Mom!?" I asked as the person took of the cloak. "Hey Nashi how you doing sweetheart?" Mom said smiling.

"Luce? How'd you get out!?" Dad asked walking towards us. "Easy. My spirits." Mom replied proudly. I giggled a little bit. This is what a family looks like right?


*~Lucy's POV*~


God this small place looks diffrent. He must of remodeled with all the money he gets from being so famous and taking jobs. And when did he get glasses?

"Lucy can i talk to you for a minute?" Natsu said. He didn't look to happy. "Yeah what's up?" I answered. Natsu shut the door from where the bedroom was. "So, why the hell does it take you 14 years to tell me I had a kid. Don't you think that was something I'd want to know from the start. Did I do something?" Natsu asked. "No, I really don't know. I was scared I guess honestly." I replied anxiously. He shook his head, "Whatever. At least I know now and can try to make this normal for her."

"Lets just go to bed." I suggested walking into the bedroom to lay down on the other bed.


((Next morning))


I woke up to birds chirping. Most peaceful sleep I've had in forever. Natsu and Nashi were still sleeping so I decided to make breakfast.

I looked around in his cabinets until i found pancake mix. Sure enough he had bacon stored away in his fridge. Looks like he was hiding it. I started cooking pancakes and bacon when I heard a certain annoying someone. "Lucy your alive? Wow i thought they'd make you into human fish cakes!" Happy joked flying over to where I was cooking. "Hi happy." I rolled my eyes.

"Whats this I smell? Lucy you learned how not to posion people? Amazing." Natsu said sarcastically. "Morning Natsu." I replied putting pancakes and bacon on a plate.

"You stole my bacon? Why Luce!? This is wrong on so many levels!" Natsu whined. "You best be greatful I made you food and you didn't have to starve you baboon!" I shot back sticking my tounge out. "So Imature." Nashi shook her head walking towards the bathroom.

"Heres your foo-" I got cut of by Nashi screaming. "Shoot I got to get some pads." I said running off into the bedroom and getting a few out of a drawer. "What!? Shes having a period? Oh hell no I'm gonna tell it to stop!" Natsu said running towards the bathroom.

"Natsu your such an idiot." I smiled lightly at his stupidness. Even if he was stupid I loved him.

"Hey Natsu? I might send you every morning to take Nashi to school in Stardom ok?" I said knowing his answer. "Nu uh! I hate trains. Also I'm not gonna have pre teens screaming at me every morning I do that because they think I'm handsome. Never ever ever." He said crossing his arms. "Alright fine. But your going with me ok?" I looked over at him. "Fine Luce I will." He shook his head with a look of disgrace.

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