Chapter 25:

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Just wanna say before you read that I finished the short story book for fairy tail so if you can give it a read. It's some werid stories-

Anyways my full attention will be on this book now so enjoy the chapter and thanks a lot for reading <3 ~


*~Natsu's POV*~
~5 months later*~

It's been five months and nobody's been able to find Lucy. Nashi has some plan but refuses to tell anyone before she's perfected it. I just hope it works.

I was advised by Levy and Erza to go baby shopping and get things for both genders because we wouldn't know the gender of the kid and it's better to be prepared then nothing honestly. All the stuff was sitting in the closet of me and Luce's room. I gave Happy my home because I planned on living here and there would be no need for it.

I finished cooking breakfast for Nash and me because it was the early morning.

"Dad? Hello?" Nashi said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Sorry I got distracted.." I apologized putting food on the plates.

"It's fine." Nashi smiled eating the food. This kid scares me sometimes.

"Watcha got Nash?" I asked her as she was rambling through a box. "Lookin for the keys." She replied pulling out Lucy's brown key bag.

"Got Libra and Pisces keys so I'm all ready. I've been training forever and I think it'll work. Just get aunt Levy to tell me the location and I'll work my magic." Nashi smiled.

I sighed. If this doesn't work then I don't know what will. These people are very good at what they do. They may of been stupid last time but Tiffany's really stepping up her game now. I don't know exactly how she'll play it but it's nothing me and Nashi can't beat.

"Alright the locations at the Light Cross Skull guild in east magnolia." I said. Nashi nodded and summoned the Zodiac keys one by one. Once she finished she told them the location and they all went to attack. All we have to do now is wait for them to distract and make everyone weak then we strike.

"Alright you know your postions and teams so go ahead and attack Light Cross Skull." Master said signalling everyone to go as planned. One by one everyone left and headed of to the rival guild. Loki came back to tell us that they were ready and some other details so we knew in advance.


*~Lucy's POV*~
I was scared and alone. I heard the sounds of screams echoing throught the empty dark room from out in the hallway. If it was somebody else who was pissed at this guild it would really be the end of me. This was really going to be it wasn't it. It was scary the past five months. I've barely been fed and it's getting harder to hide my belly since it's humongous already.

'I'm really gonna die here aren't I?'

That's what I thought until I heard the magical 3 words.

"Ice make lance!" Gray screamed. I could tell it was him. They came to save me finally. I wasn't going to suffer anymore. I was going to live and see my baby and Nashi grow up.

I was very zoned out.

"! ...ucy! Luce!?" I heard Natsu calling out. "Natsu here!" I yelled back.

Instantly he ran into here and burned of my handcuffs. He pulled me into a hug making sure not to crush my stomach.

"God I missed you and Nashi so much.." I said starting to cry.

"Shhh I'm here now.." Natsu replied trying to calm me down.

"If it makes you feel better some people named Samuel Misu and I think Miku got arrested." Natsu laughed slightly. I could feel him grinning stupidly even if I couldn't see it.

"Wait. They didn't arrest Tiffany?" I questioned. Natsu shook his head, "Couldn't find her. We really have to take precautions now.." He answered angrily.

I couldn't give to fucks if that ugly duck looking wallabeast from Sesame Street stalked me the rest of my life. I had Natsu and Nashi that's all I needed.

Speaking of Nashi, "Where's Nashi?" I asked. Natsu gave off a little smile, "Laughing at the people getting charged while comparing them to that Haulie brat." Natsu rolled his eye's. I giggled. My two stupid people are so much alike..

*~One week Later*~

It's been a week since my rescue and Natsu hasn't let me be by myself. I can get why but it's getting pretty annoying. We found out we were having twins, a boy and girl, last week. Natsu shopped for both genders beforehand so we're beyond prepared.

He's picked out names but won't say. I'm scared that he's going to name them something like 'food' or 'fighting' seeing as how those are the only words in his vocabulary.

"C'mon Natsuuu tell me. It's killing meeee." I whined. He shook his head, "Nope. You just gotta wait four more months."

I hate when he does this! It's going to kill me.

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