Chapter 27:

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*~Lucy's POV*~

It was morning. The twins were snuggling with Natsu. I'm glad he hasn't crushed them yet. I got up and walked out of the bedroom to find Nashi making breakfeast.

"Oh hey mama." She said putting a pancake on a plate. Natsu's going to be happy this morning..

"Where'd you learn to cook?" I asked taking a seat at the table. She handed me a plate, "Aunt Lisanna along with Aunt Mira taught me. I decided to try and be helpful." Nashi replied.

I smiled, "Thanks Nash. Your dad will be happy to know there aren't any waffles today." Nashi frowned, "I think he burnt them orl threw them away. I couldn't find any."

Natsu walked out holding Igneel. Igneel was squirming in Natsu's arms. "Be gentle." I reminded Natsu. He stuck his tounge out before preparing a bottle for him.

"Oh yay! Looks like there was no waffles to make this morning." Natsu chimed in with a proud face. The hell does he have against waffles? They taste good.

"Dad can I go on a job with my friends?' Nashi asked handing him a plate as well. He sighed, "Alright but no doing the nasty with Storm."

Nashi pretended to throw up. I face palmed. Ridiculous.

*~Nashi's POV*~

God dad's annoying as hell. I don't wanna do it yet. He's retarded.

I walked out of the living and kitchen area into my bedroom. I grabbed a pink and white striped shirt along with shorts plus my sneakers and a scarf like dad's that he gave me.

I tied the scarf into a bow in my hair and walked out. Mom and dad were fighting over the twins on the couch. Mom always complains about dad being imature but she really needs to look in the mirror sometimes.

"Bye!" I called running out of our apartment. Storm and Nova were chilling outside with Emma, Rosemary, and Jermey.

"Hey guys." I said walking twoards them. They waved.

"What job are we taking?" I asked. Storm pulled out a flyer, "It says we have to find a certain book in the Magnolia library tower. We'll get 70,000 jewl each."

Rosemary smiled, "Let's go then!"

We had arrived after getting off the train. I was very nauseas from the ride. The book we had to find was called, 'History of Fiore'. It shouldn't be hard because Emma's alot like Aunt Levy.

"Alright go up to the thirteenth book row and start looking. It should be there." Emma said reading a map. We walked up the stairs and found the thirteenth row. I started skimming all the book labels. At the top I spotted the book.

"I found it up there!" I yelled pointing to the book. Storm grabbed a ladder and climbed up to grab it. The book fell from the shelf.

"Well well well. Ready to see the past are we?" Someone said. Tiffany..

"Shit!" I yelled as Tiffany grabbed the book. It started glowing. I could hear aunt Erza calling out to us.

"Ahhhhh what the hell!" We all screamed before something happened.

I woke up outside. We were in Crocus. Capital of Fiore. This wasn't normal Fiore. It was different.

"Shit! Where did she send us to!" Storm yelled getting up. Emma started crying.

"Find a newspaper. There's gotta be a reason she sent us here!" Rosemary demanded. We all nodded.

We started walking until I saw something that scared me entirely.

"C'mon Luce. You did good today. Flare was strong but you and Gemini were amazing!" Someone said. Dad. He was younger and so was mom. She sent us back before we were born! This isn't right!

"Nashi Nova found one!" Jermey yelled racing twoards me with storm. Jeremy's a dead give away with that birthmark.

Dad looked at us before making a face. "Lucy that kid's got Jellal's birthmark. Don't ya think that's werid?" He said pointing to Jermey. Mom hit his head, "Natsu! You can't go saying stuff like that!"

Jermey nearly fainted. Nova rushed over with the newspaper. Luckily by then mom had dragged dad off so we were ok. 

"Year's x791..She sent us 15 years into the past." Nova said trying to stay calm. Poor Emma was a panicking mess. If were lucky enough someone will come rescue us. We just need to stay away from the past Fairy Tail as much as possible..

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