Chapter 2:

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I had no idea people actually liked this. I am sorry for not updating but I am busy and I updated my popular story..
I'm 13 now. It's been a few years since Fairy Tail visited my elementary school. It was embarrassing cause of Haulie. There supposed to come someday to teach us AGAIN but instead about fighting off predators, Aka: Kidnapers, Bad people and etc. Oh and I forget to say, My dad. I found out my magic last year by punching Haulie's plastic face. I gave her a 3rd degree burn. After my mom got the call that I did that, I learned Natsu Dragneel was my father. I was pretty shocked but my mom was an ex Fairy Tail member so I guess that makes sense. 

"EEEEEEE!" I screamed as i fell out of bed and my mom ran into my room.

"NASHI IS A BAD GUY IN HERE! WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING!?" Mom yelled with a panicked look and tone.

"First off, I FELL OUT OF BED AND SECOND OFF, FAIRY TAIL IS COMING TODAY! *^*!" My moms face turned pale.

"W-well maybe you could just stay out of questions and demonstrations and hopefully they'll forget what you look like. Trust me I'd know. And anyways Nashi my old friend Levy's gonna be there too to help out and her daughter around your age, Emma, Will be there too. You remember her right?" My mom asked as I nodded my head.

(Time skip to Class)

"Hey Al you doing ok today?" I asked my bff Ally as I sat down beside her.

"Yeah Nash, I thought you wouldn't show today cause of you know what." Ally whisperd as I sighed.

"Yeah that's what I hoped but my mom had other plans.."

"Oh well Haulie's dressed up all nice for her Gray-Sama... He's married but she won't give up sadly..." I laughed.

"Oh look! Fatherless I hate myself and Fairy Tail came here today!" Haulie announced in an annoying voice.

"OW MY EARS!! Dear lord Haulie I thought you knew how to shut up but I guess rich plastic faces like yours never learn.." I joked as everyone started making 'OHHHHH' sounds.

"WHY I OUTTA-" Haulie was cut off by our teacher Mr.Pratts voice.

"Settle down class! Fairy Tail is here!" He announced and ran outta the classroom as team Natsu and Aunt Levy holding a embarrassed Emma's hand entered the classroom. I slowly slid under my desk to hide.

"Oh dear lord.... I remember all these brats..." Gray scoffed.

I quietly sang, "I WANNA DIE!!!" As Ally struggled to pull me back up.

"GRAY-SAMA!" Haulie screamed as hearts filled her eyes.

"Oh my lord... Not this one again! She made the pink haired child cry that one time.." Erza face palmed as Gray hid behind her from Haulie.

"Ok first off Uh... You know that bullying is wrong and especially when it's targeted to the struggling and depressed. It leads to uncertain effects to the heart and soul.." The blue haired teen named Wendy spoke as Haulie was trying to kiss Gray but Erza kept pulling her away.

"Anyone wanna demonstrate this!? Haulie and how bout you! The girl with long pink hair!" Erza pointed to me as Ally covered her mouth.

"M-me!?" I Stuttered.    

"Yes you! Do you dare disobey me, Erza Scarlet!?" She had Levy drag me up to the board.

"Sorry for this Nashi!" Levy whispered as I stood at the board shaking looking at Haulie. All of a sudden i started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Natsu asked as I looked at him then smiled.

"Oh nothing. Just the fact that Haulie is trying to kiss an old man. He could be a crazy man for all we know." Natsu started laughing along with the rest of the class while Gray cried in a corner. Haulie had fire in her eyes.

"What's wrong Haulie Wolie? Lost your little Gray-Sama Dollie?" I teased her as she did the unexpected. She ran up and punched me in the guts. I fell to the floor.

"THAT DOES IT!" I yelled as my whole body lit on fire. Everyone froze than repeated to scream as I swear I heard Team Natsu and aunt Levy say cuss words.

"T-the fuck?" Gray stuttered as my body went back to normal. The last think i remembered before everything went black was whispering, 'Too much Magic energy..'.

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