Chapter 5

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Hello! Welcome back to this story! The picture in the media is MAH SENPAI but it's telling what Natsu is to you. It's by the day of your birthday. I'm 1 since my birthday is always the 1st so HES MY LOVE!!! YAS! Tell me what you got. What is he to you?

Lucy P.o.V:
It was a few hours since they found me and it was now nightfall. Since it was too late for any trains and carriages to be available I "offered" to let them stay at my place, More like they follow me home and refuse to leave.

"Ok. Erza there is a guest room you, Gray, and Wendy can stay in there. Rosemary and Storm can bunk with Nashi! Natsu you get the couch! Your an animal!" I stated. They all nodded as Natsu crossed his arms.

"Seriously Luce? The fucking couch? The most uncomfortable place to sleep and you let me stay there!? I hope you know if I die from sleeping on your couch your paying for my funeral!" Natsu yelled as I walked into the Nashi's room.

"You know that you won't die and your NOT sleeping in my bed!" I reminded him from the doorway to Nashi's room.

I turned to Nashi as she pulled out her phone lacrima and stated giggling like a maniac.

"What are you laughing about Nashi?" I asked as she showed me her phone. She's so immature for her age. Like father like daughter...

"Why are you so immature!? I taught you better Nashi!" I rolled my eyes

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"Why are you so immature!? I taught you better Nashi!" I rolled my eyes. I could hear Natsu rambling about something to Gray as he laughed.

"Well, Goodnight children! I'm going to see what's wrong with Natsu and try to stop him before the home is destroyed! Love you Nashi-Washi!" I blew and air kiss to Nashi and went out into the living room and face palmed.

"Natsu! Stop being a baby and sleep! I'm sorry it's NOT the best place to sleep, BUT I DONT OWN A KING SIZE DRAGON BED TO FIT YOUR CHILDISH NEEDS!" I yelled as Nashi and Storm giggled from the hallway.

"Stop being a fucking baby and go to sleep flamebrain! Pouting won't do anything for you!" Gray bickered.

"Oh I'm sorry your Royale freezer-burn! I don't remember asking for your smartass OPINION!" Natsu yelled back. Erza ran into the room faster then Jet on Red Bull and made them bolth pass out on the floor.

"Teaches them.." She mumbled as I stood back frightened. They bolth got up and crossed their arms and turned away from each other.

"Luce! Your bed is ALWAYS more comfy then some stiff couch!" Natsu fake cried and gave me puppy dog eyes, My only weakness....

"FINE! GO SLEEP ON MY BED! ILL SLEEP ON THE COUCH! NOW STOP ACTING LIKE A STUCK UP SPOILED BRAT FROM THE KARDASHIANS!" I yelled angrily as Natsu ran to my room. He'll be dead by tomorrow if anything is destroyed.

"Geez Luce! You need to learn how to control your emotions on your period!" He retorted as I ran to him and grabbed his neck.

"What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Just. Say!?" I questioned as his eyes turned to fear.

"Scary!" He mumbled as he ran into my room. Teaches him to joke with me.

I walked back into the living room to hear crying. I looked on the couch to see Erza crying.

"Erza? Are you ok?" I asked with concern as she looked at me.

"I'm such a bad mother!" She spat out.

"No! Your a very good mother Ezra! Why would you say that!?" I asked.

"Because, Nashi goes to school and Rosemary doesn't! All good parents out there kids in school! I don't!" She cried. I sighed.

"How about tomorrow you can bring Rosemary to Nashi's school for the day and see how she does? Maybe Storm can tag along as well." I suggested. She nodded.

"Thank you Lucy! I forgot about how smart you were." She joked as I laughed.

Next Day: Nashi P.o.V:

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Oh nothing rea-" Mom got cut off by the sound of two old men yelling at each other.



"OH REALLY? I'm SORRY BUT I DONT GIVE A FUC-" The sound of Erza's sword made the two stop bickering.


"Y-yes ma'am!" The said in unison.


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