Chapter 12

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~•~Lucy's POV•~
My head hurt so bad. 'How long was I sleeping?' I thought to myself as I rubbed my head. Someone came up to me and said, "I see your awake Miss. Heartfilia. I'm Kimi. We just wanted your keys. They won't obey so maybe we'll make you tell them to obey."

My eyes widen and anger boiled inside me, "You won't make me no matter what you do! I won't let my spirits become hurt because of me! Just because you think your all powerful doesn't mean you are! I'm not gonna listen! Now let me go back to my daughter!"

The woman laughed. "You think that I'll let you go that easy? Your spirts are what we need to power our portal back into the dragon ages. We will release them upon this era and destroy all of Fiore."

"No! Not in a million years will I be apart of something as horrible as that!" I said in anger. I tried to break out of my handcuffs but it wasn't working. This wasn't gonna be easy.

~•Nashi POV•~
I hope mom's ok. I need to tell dad that he's my dad but how? I wish mom was here to tell me. I  walked out of the guild and into a forest to get my mind off of things. As much as I want to tell him I just don't know how. This wasn't what was supposed to happen at all. Mom wasn't supposed to be kidnapped, we weren't supposed to be 200 miles from home, we weren't supposed to end up like this. God I wish Ally was here to get my mind off of things.

I started walking into a town and saw a bakery. 'Maybe I should get some cake for Aunt Erza, Rosemary, and Jermey.' I thought walking into the bakery.

A man greeted my with a smile, "Hello young lady. What can I do for you today?" I pointed to 3 different pieces of strawberry cake. "I'd like those please sir." The man gave me the cake and I walked out of there.

"Nashi?" Someone said. I turned around to see someone I never thought I'd see again. "Yuki?"

"Mhm! You still remember me! What are you doing in Magnolia? I thought you still lived in Stardom?" Yuki said. I scratched the back of my head and laughed awkwardly, "It's kinda a long story."

Sorry if this chapter was bad. I kinda have writers block and didn't know what to add. See you next chapter!

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