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After years of feeling like a mess, I could finally move on from everything that had happened. I hated how I had lived for the past few years, and I wasn't going to relive that or dwell on it. After freshening up from a dreamless sleep, I had my usual breakfast—cereal. I had plans to learn how to cook during the holidays so that I could eat proper food instead of processed meals.

Feeling unusually tired since waking up, I still intended to go to the mall for some shopping. I needed to get things done, and being lazy wasn't an option anymore. I dressed comfortably and grabbed my house keys. As I made my way to the door, I stumbled a bit and managed to open it.

I probably should have gone back to bed and rested, but before I could step out, I blacked out.


I woke up in the familiar warmth of my bed. Startled, I remembered blacking out in front of the door. I shot up and hurried out of the room, finding someone in the kitchen.

"Who the fuck—" A sharp pain shot through my head.

"Why are you out of bed? You should be resting. You're burning up." It was a voice I recognized instantly. That same voice that somehow managed to make me forget everything and brought me happiness in the moment.

"Aiden?" He hummed in confirmation. "What are you doing here?"

"Let's get you back to bed first, yeah?" I nodded, and he supported me as I walked back to my room. He helped me lie down and then left briefly, returning with a tray. He placed a warm, wet cloth on my forehead and handed me a bowl of oatmeal.

I groaned, staring at the mushy oatmeal in front of me. Oatmeal was the one thing I despised more than anything else, and one sick episode wasn't going to make me eat something that tasted horrible.

"You don't want it?" He asked, and I nodded. "Too bad. You're going to finish everything in this bowl."

"But it's oatmeal!" I whined.

"Do you want me to feed you, Lacey?"

"That's not going to make it taste better, Aiden."

"Okay, that's it. Open your mouth." He grabbed the bowl from my hands and scooped up a spoonful of oatmeal.

"You're not serious," I deadpanned.

"I am. Now open up."

I shook my head and pouted. I tended to be a brat when I was sick, and I knew I would hate remembering this later on. While I continued being difficult, Aiden suddenly grabbed my face and brought our faces close together.

"Try a bite?" He asked, looking right into my eyes. Lost in the specks of green in his eyes, I didn't realize it when he shoved the spoon into my mouth. I was ready to spit it out, but surprisingly, it didn't taste half bad.

"Did you make it?" I asked, and he nodded. "It's not bad." I took the bowl back from him and silently finished the rest. I'd never managed to finish an entire bowl of oatmeal, even when my mom had made it.

"See? It wasn't so bad, right?" He queried, and I nodded, still pouting since he had somehow managed to make me eat it all. He then handed me some pills for the fever.

"How did you get inside my house?"

"The door was unlocked. I thought I'd come in since I had nothing to do and found you collapsed in front of the door. Were you planning on going out when you're clearly sick?" He asked in disbelief and shook his head.

"I was feeling fine this morning," I lied.

"Do you need help with anything?" I shook my head. There wasn't much to do around here. "Then I guess I'll leave." He gathered his things from the table and got ready to depart. "Do you have a spare key? I don't want you getting out of bed just to lock the door."

I nodded.

Would it be too selfish to ask him to stay? What if he had other plans? Why would he stay back for me anyway? Despite my hesitation, I decided to take the chance.

"Aiden, can you stay back?" I asked hesitantly, expecting the worst response. I heard him chuckle. "What? You don't have to if you don't want to!"

"I just didn't think you'd ask. Wasn't sure if you'd want me to stay back. I'm glad you asked," he smiled at me, and I felt relieved. "Now, go back to sleep." He ruffled my hair and left the room.


I could hear muffled voices from the living room when I woke up later. I was feeling much better after resting. My head was no longer throbbing, but my body still felt warm. Aiden was sitting on the couch, watching TV.

I sat down at one end of the couch, keeping my distance from him. I didn't want to risk him falling ill because of me.

"Why are you sitting there?" he asked.

"I just don't want you to get sick too," I said quietly.

"Don't be silly. Sit comfortably, come on." He patted the space next to him, and I moved a bit closer.

I couldn't believe Aiden was at my house, taking care of me. He just did things that made me like him more and more. I wished I could spend every moment with him. I wished I could see him all the time. I just wished he was with me all the time.

"Did you bring your phone with you?" He asked suddenly, and I nodded. I handed him the phone.

"Call me if you need anything or if you just want to talk. You can call me whenever you want; I'll always answer," he smiled at me, and I looked away.

"Thank you," I stammered, breaking the silence that was starting to settle between us.

"I'd love to stay longer, but I really have to go. I'll see you next time, Lacey. Take care of yourself, okay? Rest well, and if you feel worse—"

"I'm fine, Aiden. I'll be okay for the rest of the night too. You don't need to worry that much. Now go on; I'm sure you have things to do. I don't want to hold you back." I gently pushed him towards the front door and waved goodbye.

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