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I had just gotten the acceptance letter from one of the universities, and I couldn't contain my excitement. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders after the stress of exams and nerve-wracking interviews. Bursting with joy, I rushed home to share the news with my parents. I could already envision their proud smiles and warm embraces, even though they were no longer physically with me. Still, I felt their presence in my heart as I recounted everything that had happened that week—about Ava, the cafe, and the little incidents that had brought both laughter and reflection.

On my way back, I ran into Aiden, and we started chatting.

"So, what were you doing here?" he asked with a curious grin.

"Visiting my parents. I got an acceptance letter from one of the universities I applied to," I replied, a wide smile spreading across my face.

"Lacey, that's amazing! Congrats!" Aiden pulled me into a hug, and for a moment, it felt like everything was perfect—the kind of hug I had always wished for, one that conveyed genuine pride and happiness.

"Thank you, Aiden," I said, my voice slightly choked with emotion as I returned the embrace, holding back tears that threatened to fall.

"Are you free today? Let me treat you to lunch."

"You don't have to do that, Aiden."

"I want to. You got accepted into college, and I'm not letting you stay at home all day. You're free to say no if you have any other plans. So?" I nodded my head at his question. "Great! I'll pick you up at 2?"

"Yeah 2 works" 


The doorbell rang promptly at 2 PM. I marveled at Aiden's punctuality as I opened the door to find him looking effortlessly handsome in a crisp dress shirt and pants.

"You did your hair," I commented, noticing how neatly styled it was.

"You noticed," he replied with a chuckle. 

"Of course I did. You always have a bed hair"

He chuckled as I pointed it out. "That is true"

We arrived at a fancy restaurant, and I couldn't help but feel slightly underdressed in the dress I had worn.

"You look good. Don't worry about it," he reassured me, taking my hand as we entered. Despite his usual confident demeanor, I sensed a hint of nervousness in him. I was wearing a dress like Aiden had asked me to and it still didn't look fancy enough for the restaurant we were currently in.

"I would've loved to bring you here for dinner, but I couldn't wait that long. I really hope you like the food here," he said, glancing around the elegant surroundings.

"I'm just happy you brought me here. It means a lot," I replied with a smile, trying to ease his nerves.

As we waited for our food, we engaged in conversation, each sharing more about ourselves and our backgrounds.

"So, Lacey, tell me more about yourself. We still don't really know much about each other," Aiden prompted, leaning forward with genuine interest.

I rested my chin on my hands, considering where to start. "Let's see. I was born and grew up here. My parents owned a clothing brand, which I plan on taking over after I graduate. As you already know, my parents passed away when I was 12. I'm an only child. I can confidently say I've had one friend my entire life—Ava. She left for New York when we were 10, and I haven't made many friends since then. That's me and my boring life. Now, tell me about yourself."

Aiden shared stories about his upbringing in San Francisco, his family's move to our town, and his parents' professions. His mention of his younger brother and the incident where he accidentally broke Aiden's nose added a touch of humor to the conversation, making me laugh.

The food arrived just as Aiden finished his story, and we enjoyed our meal together.33'

After lunch, we decided to head to the mall. Aiden took charge, seemingly on a mission to pick out outfits for me. I followed along, amused by his sudden enthusiasm for shopping. As we browsed through stores, Aiden abruptly stopped in front of a sign that read "Changing Rooms." Confused, I turned to him. 

"Lacey," he called out, beckoning me over. I joined him, and he proceeded to show me numerous outfits, seeking my opinion on each. After selecting around ten outfits, we finally left the store.

"That was a lot. Aren't you tired?" I asked as we walked through the mall.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Not really." With a smile, he excused himself to use the restroom.

Later, we found ourselves at the arcade, where Aiden challenged me to various games. Despite my suspicions that he was letting me win, I enjoyed the friendly competition.

By 10 PM, we decided to call it a night. Grabbing fast food on our way back, Aiden dropped me off at home.

"Lacey, wait a minute," he said, pausing at my doorstep and handing me a small box. "I'm sorry I couldn't get anything better. I hope you like this."

Opening the box, I found a delicate necklace with a cat charm.

"When did you get this?" I asked, touched by the thoughtful gesture.

"In the mall. Luckily, they had a cat charm. I knew you would like it, considering how you spoke about your love for cats for half an hour at the restaurant," he chuckled. "I thought it was cute."

"Thank you so much, Aiden," I said sincerely, pulling him into a grateful hug. "Thank you."


Aiden's POV

I dug into my pocket and got the necklace out.

I probably should've told her it was a matching necklace. It's fine as long as I don't wear this. I can give it to her some time in the future.

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