Chapter 3: The Spirit Family

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When the train arrived at its destination, Mei and Johanne got off. Mei began searching for someone at the station.

"Auntie Lucy said she'd meet us, didn't she?" Johanne asked, carrying her baggage. 

"Yes. She should be here somewhere, along with her husband."

"Huh? Lucy's husband has come too?" 

Johanne had heard that five years ago Auntie Lucy acquired a brilliant husband whose handsomeness was not of this world, so she was really eager to meet him.

"Yes. Otherwise, it'd be too hard for us to carry the luggage."

As they were talking, they heard a joyful cry of a girl in her early twenties:

"Ah, Mei-chan! Johanne! It is you!"

It was a beautiful young woman of average height, with long light blue hair and brown eyes, dressed in a grey sleeveless top and a grey skirt. She was barefoot. Johanne instantly recognized her - it was Lucy.

Auntie Lucy!" 

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Auntie Lucy!" 

She ran up to her and hugged her tightly, getting squeezed back in her embraces.

"Ah, I longed so much to see you, darling!" Lucy jumped with happiness. "It's so good to finally have you here!"

"Hehe, I'm happy too, Auntie Lucy!"

Mei walked up to them with a faint smile.

"Aww, Mei-chan, you're back!" Lucy caressed her on the head as if she were a little kid and not a girl of her age. "So, how was the trip?"

"It was nice. We talked about so much stuff!" 

Johanne grinned, while Mei went all red. Lucy chuckled once she saw her blush.

"I guess it was rather interesting stuff!" She gave them a playful wink.

"Aww, a gathering of pretty girls..."

They all started and looked aside. Mei and Lucy beamed with joy - it was Lucy's husband. Johanne got dumbfounded - he was indeed beyond this world, with that long orange hair, those charming, foxy light blue eyes, tall stature, red clothes which matched his hair so well, and that golden-chained Yin-and-Yang amulet that Mei too wore!

 Johanne got dumbfounded - he was indeed beyond this world, with that long orange hair, those charming, foxy light blue eyes, tall stature, red clothes which matched his hair so well, and that golden-chained Yin-and-Yang amulet that Mei too wore!

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He is... amazing... 

If all eastern men were so attractive, she had indeed arrived in paradise.

"Hello there, darling! Meet my niece - Johanne Green."

Lucy presented him the blondette, who stared at him with her mouth open. The young man beamed once saw the child, and stretched his hand out to her:

"It is pleasure to meet you, Johanne. I am Yuehong."

Johanne gasped as the remembrances of her father's books popped up in her mind: nine-tailed fox spirit Yuehong Huli, the Celestial Fox of Nine Heavens... The Lord of Transformation, the third primal force along with Destruction and Creation - the only spirit who had been appointed a guardian of a major force alongside the two archangels!

"Y... You don't mean Lord Huli Yuehong?!" 

Yes, that was it! Mei's talking about soul kin, and then this guy's appearing as Lucy's husband... Lucy had interacted with spirits, and this man was truly the nine-tailed fox spirit Huli Yuehong! The tailed fox spirits could easily shape-shift, thus, he had taken a human form in order to deceive the surroundings.

All the three - Yuehong, Lucy, and Mei - grew surprised. Yuehong chuckled:

"Fine then, I guess there is no need to hide things from such an intelligent girl."

He grabbed her hand, while Mei and Lucy grabbed each other's, and they all teleported. The next second, Johanne found herself in a giant heavenly palace of tailed foxes in the Huli Territory - the golden, red, and orange castle with colourful cherry blossom gardens and tailed fox spirits walking around. She gasped once beheld these marvellous views she had only seen painted in books.


She noticed how both Mei and Yuehong shape-shifted into their tailed fox forms.

Mei too? 

So, she was none other than Huli Mei, the daughter of Huli Yuehong and Lutecia De Lapin, known also as the Huli Queen?!

So, she was none other than Huli Mei, the daughter of Huli Yuehong and Lutecia De Lapin, known also as the Huli Queen?!

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Both Mei and Yuehong had taken the Yang forms of red foxes. Orange fox ears and nine long fluffy orange foxtails had appeared on them. They had got dressed in red kimono robes instead of casual ones. Mei's ears were too long, resembling rabbit ones in length, while Yuehong's ones were of normal size.

 Mei's ears were too long, resembling rabbit ones in length, while Yuehong's ones were of normal size

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"Amazing..." Johanne muttered.

"Quite a sharp one you are!" Yuehong chuckled in his deep foxy voice and caressed her on the head with his red-nailed hand. "You immediately figured out who I was... I didn't expect that."

"Um, I have read a lot of books at Angel Host Academy, where my father works as the principal..." Johanne blushed, a little fearful too - after all, tailed foxes were known to be man-eaters.

"Hmm, that's quite fascinating. Then, do you know who your auntie Lucy Caldwell truly is?"

Johanne blinked at first, but then gasped in shock:

"Don't tell me, she's Lutecia De Lapin?!"

Both Yuehong and Mei smiled, while Lucy beamed and hugged Johanne:

"It is true. I am Lutecia, reincarnated as Lucy. I recollected my memories five years ago, so now I identify myself as both Lutecia and Lucy, so I am still your auntie."

"Cool, so you are a mighty spirit!" Johanne jumped in joy, "I will learn from professionals! So, who's going to be my spirit?"

"We've decided to assign you a powerful spirit, so it shall be our daughter, Mei." Yuehong pointed at the fox spirit princess. 

Johanne brightened - the Huli Queen herself would become her spirit! Yes, life was definitely cooler in the east.

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