Chapter 23: The New High Priest

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In the morning, when Cedric came into Joan's room to tend to her wounds, the young woman realised that she indeed perceived him as a brother now. The feeling that she actually had a family warmed her heart.



"I recovered my past incarnation's memories yesterday night. I saw all those nine years of our life... with your sister's eyes."

The young man froze:


Joan smiled and retold him everything - of how she met and befriended Incubus, who turned out to be that exact same demon that injured her, and how he helped her regain her past life memories. Hearing this whole incredible story, Cedric's face grew even more dumbfounded:

"You've managed to befriend the Demon Prince and urge him to show you your memories?!"

"Well, he's not completely a demon, is he? His parents were actually an angel and a human."

"You know about Incubus' parents?! That black book is forbidden to read!"

"Well, I didn't spend my life in libraries for no reason!" Joan laughed. "I'm rather surprised that you too happen to know about it."

"I also happen to be High Priest Leon's son, so I do have access to the forbidden archives... But never mind that - how did you manage to persuade such a top-tier demon?"

"I'll teach you my secret methods, later on, if you want." Joan winked. "More importantly - since you have access to the forbidden archives, as you've said, will you help me enter there too?"

"No chance." Cedric frowned and crossed his arms.

"Huh? Why?"

"They're forbidden for a reason. No one except the High Priest is allowed to enter."

"Huh? Then how come you did? You're not a High Priest!"

"Well, I'm his son, so I have privileges." He chuckled.

"Well, I'm his deceased child who came back to life, so I too must have those privileges!" Joan sulked.

Cedric burst out laughing. When he finally calmed himself, he smiled:

"Ugh, fine, I'll help... Can't deny your request after such a daring declaration."

They had a lot of fun on that day, joking around. They both indeed felt as if they were genuine siblings, and since they both knew one's soul was far more important than one's flesh, they felt their bond to be even tighter since it was their souls that were connected.

Cedric had been treating Joan the following days, and finally, helped her recover. The two kept Joan's secret and referred to each other normally as before, with "brother" titles. However, everyone could notice that they had grown quite close, even to such an extent that they could be called friends. Everyone was surprised that such a high-rank monk as Cedric had found a common language with the "weird bookworm", as they loved to call Joan. It didn't change the fact, though - the two indeed were each other's staunch friends.

Joan taught Cedric about her methods of purifying demons with light energy, just as she had promised. Since Cedric knew his light energy reserve wasn't as large, he decided not to risk using this technique and stick to his old ways. However, he always asked Joan to accompany him on healing sessions whenever he had a chance, as he enjoyed working together with his friend. On his part, he spent a lot of time together with her in libraries, listened to her tales about Tsukishiro, and even aided her in the search. He too retold her many of his secrets, and disclosed his childhood dream to her, which Joan already knew as she had regained her past life memories:

"Before I'd commit myself to the path of a monk, my dream was to learn the eastern arts of Spirit Craft."

"Haha, yeah, I remember! You were searching for the jade dragon, weren't you? You loved dragons a lot at that time."

"That's right. I love them even now. I have read many books about them. I still have not given up on my search for the jade dragon, even though it seems like a distant dream... You and I are a lot alike, I guess."

"Well, the main thing is to never give up." Joan smiled. "That is how he has told me."

"You really are obsessed with that Tsukishiro, huh?" Cedric chuckled. "But I'm sure you'll find him. I'll help you with all I can."

"Hehe, thank you so much, big brother!" Joan hugged him tightly. "I'm so happy we have found each other!"

"I am happy too. This time, I'll never let go of you, Joan. We'll be together forever."

Indeed, they were always together, striving hard in their lives, and guarding each other's backs, until one day, fate brought sudden changes...

The monks of the Golden Tower had gathered in a grand hall, waiting for some news to come out of the High Priest's chamber. Everyone seemed concerned and agitated:

"Who do you think he'll nominate?"

"How is he? Was it so grave?"

The crowd of young and old monks whispered amongst each other. Joan too was a part of that gathering, but she didn't really engage in talks. She instead focused on the giant golden door of the High Priest's chamber, her heart beating with utmost worry:

I haven't seen Cedric since morning, and now this grave news about the High Priest's illness... Ugh, I only hope His Holiness will be okay! Cedric must be so worried now... I'll try to support him with all I can when this passes and he's back!

She knew Cedric might be by his father's side in such a hard time, worrying a lot about his health, so she too, as his friend and reincarnated sister, felt concerned for both.

The golden door opened and gained the attention of the whole crowd. High Monks and monastery elders walked out and announced:

"Brothers, let us send our prayers to High Priest Leon Ivory, who has ended his current journey and followed angels to the High Forces' abode! Rest in peace, Your Holiness High Priest Leon!"

Everyone bowed and repeated after the High Monk, paying their respects:

"Rest in peace, Your Holiness High Priest Leon!"

Joan too followed the custom, but her heart sank at the same time - poor Cedric, he had lost all of his blood kin now...

He'll surely be depressed... I'll show him my best support when I see him. Who's going to be the new High Priest now? Cedric will lose those privileges he so often loved showing off... After all, High Priests were never good people. Mostly they were some stuck-up individuals lucky enough to possess mighty guardian angels, and modest enough not to let them flee... They never seemed compassionate and kind to me, no matter that people described them as such.

"Before His Holiness would depart, he named his successor. Let us all greet him!"

The crowd fell to their knees and put their foreheads to the floor, bowing to the new High Priest as was the custom. Joan too followed the example, hence, was unable to see the new oracle. However, the High Monk's words that followed, answered all of her questions, and brought a great shock to her heart:

"Hail His Holiness Cedric Ivory!"

Before Joan would come to her senses, the whole crowd repeated in a monotonous voice, rendering it even more frightening than it already sounded:

"Hail High Priest Cedric!"

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