Chapter 38: Confronting the White Demon

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"What? You two are brothers?!" Michael couldn't believe his ears.

"How come you're telling us that only now?" Samael furrowed his brow. "That is such important information! If a part of him is made of the same core as you, then we can deduce his weaknesses quite easily, if we give it a try."

"Lord Yanluo's right." Lutecia picked up her bunny ears. "Yuehong, you must definitely know some of Tsukishiro's weaknesses, right?"

Yuehong heaved a sigh:

"It's not so simple. Indeed, we are born from the same substance, but we are made for different purposes, just like you two." He glanced at Michael and Samael. "You know the main difference between you, right? Michael can die, but be reborn again, since he is the guardian of Creation and Birth; while Samael can never die because he is the Destruction and Death. Well then, what do you think is the difference between me and Tsukishiro?"

"Well, you can never die but transform between life and death, since you're the force of Transformation," Michael replied, "but what about Tsukishiro? Surely, there must be a way to weaken him at least? Like, we, the three guardians, are indeed immune to death or destruction, but we can be depleted of our powers after a long-term fight. We'll be needing to replenish our energy if we ever confront each other. Tsukishiro too must have the same kind of weakness. We don't really need to kill him, but simply snatch Johanne away from him and protect her better for the next time."

"That is where it gets complicated." Yuehong frowned. "You see, unlike us three who are immune to destruction, Tsukishiro is not exactly 'immune', but rather dead and alive, all at the same time."


All the three - Michael, Samael, and Lutecia - gasped in astonishment. How could there be an entity both dead and alive, all at the same time?

"Perfection that is existent and non-existent, all at the same time..." The deep, soothing voice of Isah cut in the elders' conversation, "I've heard about such a legend back in the human realm, in my time."

"Precisely." Yuehong nodded. "That legend was spread by the Eastern people. But the most important thing is - since he is both dead and alive, Tsukishiro does not take any damage."

"What?" Lutecia was perturbed, "How can we defeat such a monster, then?"

Her question remained unanswered, because, at that exact moment, they had already reached the eerie throne in the middle of the silent realm, where sat the familiar entity with long white hair, shimmering yellow eyes, and white robes. In his fluffy white fur shawl, there lay Johanne tightly wrapped, fallen into a deep slumber - most likely affected by the demon's hypnotizing powers. 


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At Yuehong's call, the white demon cast a faint glance at them, most likely already long aware of their presence in his dwelling. Isah turned from a white dove back into an angel. The three guardians - Michael, Samael, and Yuehong - prepared for a fight. Lutecia furrowed her brow as well, once she beheld the vile demon so up close. She yelled:

"Let my niece go!"

Tsukishiro watched them for a moment, and then averted his gaze from them:


"We are not leaving without Johanne!" Yuehong clenched his clawed fist. "You will have to take on all the three of us if you do not surrender peacefully."

"You've misunderstood." Tsukishiro glared at them. "Leave, while I am letting you go... for our brotherhood's sake."

"You've disgraced our brotherhood long ago. I'm not buying that!" Yuehong retorted, "Let the girl go, Tsukishiro. Get over it - you don't belong in this world anymore. Absorbing that maiden's life force won't help you in the least."

"What? Absorbing her life force?!" Winds began to blow around Lutecia, so angry she had become. "So, that was your true purpose, vile demon?!"

"I've seen him do that a lot of times. Truly, the dragons of Long Clan have gained a lot of bad reputation because of you, since it was you to have created them, in the first place." Yuehong snarled at Tsukishiro. "You drive people mad about perfection and lead them towards certain doom. In the end, you steal their energy so that they may never rejoin their original sources. I know you pretty well, my brother... But, to be honest, I really am ashamed that I can call a monster such as you a brother."

Tsukishiro heaved a sigh with irritation and stood from his throne. He loosened his shawl, which appeared to be a part of his skin, and placed Johanne farther away, but still within his grip. He grabbed the handle of his sword and pulled it out of its scabbard:

"Well then, if you refuse to leave on your own, I shall send you back by force."

Yuehong took on his Golden Lotus form: a golden-haired, golden-furred fox-man spirit, dressed in beautiful white garments and holding two golden fans - his main weapons. Michael and Samael, on their part, changed into their Supreme forms: Michael transformed into a golden-armoured celestial seraph with six white wings, and a golden spear in his hands, while Samael turned into a ghastly skeleton with six black wings, dressed in pitch-black attire of a true infernal king, holding the deadly scythe. Yuehong cried to his wife: 

"Lutecia, the moment we catch him off-guard and make him loosen his grip upon Johanne, you and Isah get her and leave!"

"What? But I can't leave you_"

"No worries! Do as I say!"

Lutecia, beholding her husband's eyes scintillating with boldness and determination, nodded at once. She and Isah got ready to snatch Johanne away from Tsukishiro whenever the situation arose.

The white demon, however, was not in the mood of giving up - he too, transformed into his battle form. His long nails turned into claws, while his teeth gave way to long and sharp fangs, and his eyes took on a blood-red shade:

"I shall remind you of who you're dealing with!"

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