Chapter 17: Joan's Decision

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Since the day of meeting the mysterious spirit of perfection, Joan promised herself that she'd do anything to meet him again, and would find his dwelling where the eternal peace reigned. She analysed the spirit's words and came to a conclusion - she should strive to reach the perfect happiness in order to meet him, and on this difficult path of hers, she should never give up.

As she had gotten too curious about who that benevolent angel was, she decided to acquire more knowledge on such spiritual matters, so she began studying hard under the guidance of the nuns, whereas before meeting the said spirit, Tsukishiro, she had little to no interest in such studies, and had no desire to join the convent. Now, however, her vision and goals had completely changed - surprisingly for all the nuns, in just a single day, she turned into one of the most zealous and hard-working students, and sat for hours in the library even in her free time when the other orphans preferred to play and have fun.

"What do you think has happened to that child, my lady?" the nuns would ask the eldest one (that same woman who had introduced Joan to the High Priest).

"I do not know." She was just as surprised as the others. "The words of His Holiness got through to her, perhaps?"

Little did they know that the High Priest's words had nothing to do with Joan's inner change, and she had even nearly forgotten about that meeting... But it didn't change the fact that she had turned into the brightest of the students, and had gotten deeply interested in spiritual matters. She had even gone so far as to read books not only about angels and demons, but the ancient nature spirits so widely studied in the east. Seeing such a keen interest of hers, and hearing that she wished to broaden her knowledge even more, the nuns became so impressed that soon they presented her to the elder nun of the main convent of the West Land:

"She is the best student of ours, my lady," the eldest nun of the Orphanage convent told the guest, "She has read and can retell all of our sacred books, and has deep knowledge of all of our teachings. There is nothing more we can give her. Please, take her with you, so that she may prosper in the highest convent as a nun deeply devoted to the High Forces."

When she witnessed Joan's brilliance in the spiritual studies, the eldest nun of the highest convent heartily accepted to take the young maiden (who was then already fifteen years old) under her protective wing. Thus, Joan was taken to the outskirts of the capital, in the highest convent.

In her new abode, the young girl spent another five years of deep studies and hard work, mesmerizing all people with her outrageous talent there as well. She learned more about angels and demons in the convent library, by reading the stories about the fallen angel Lucifer, who had forsaken his love for the High Forces, about guardian angels, who had sworn to cooperate with humans and help them regain their lost bond with the High Forces, and about the saviour - the son of the light energy - who arrived in the world of humans and was able to help them reconnect with their soul memories. Reading these stories, Joan realised that every single human was in possession of a guardian angel, but only the few who had mastered the angel craft could actually summon them at will.

Maybe, Tsukishiro too, was my guardian angel? After all, he did say that I had high spiritual power, and if I did not, my voice wouldn't have reached him!

She realised that this might be the case, so she decided to take up the craft of Angel Summoning. However, here she came across the grandest obstacle - only men were trained in the angel craft, and only the monks of the Golden Tower. The memories of her meeting with a High Priest in her childhood resurfaced in her mind, and Tsukishiro's words too sounded like an echo, that her spiritual power was greater than those of many highly-regarded priests.

If it is so, and since Tsukishiro has said that, it indeed is, then, if I disguise as one of them, due to my exceptional power, they should not realise that I am, in fact, a woman... But, is it right to pose as someone who I am not? No, I must not doubt myself! Here in this convent, they cannot give me any more knowledge than I already have. If I remain here as I am, I'll get locked up in here forever, to serve the High Forces for the rest of my life, unable to leave the borders of this place ever again. Thus, I will never be able to meet Tsukishiro... I must take this risk and move forward towards my happiness, towards my angel!

Thus decided, one stormy night, she secretly left the convent, never to turn back. Little did she realise that in such a manner, disguising as a man and forsaking her true self, she had forever severed ties with her true guardian angel, who had left her immediately once she chose such a wrong path whence there was no return. Hence, she remained all alone, defenceless, a Former Hostess, against the wide world full of dangers.

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