Ch 22: Making Some Changes

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I sat on my bed in HQ, pushing a pillow into the air. I thought about one word that was frequenting my mind so often.


"Hero...why do I keep hearing that word? Is the world trying to tell me something?" I asked myself.

Thinking it over, I finally came to a conclusion.

This world needs heroes.


I gathered my wits, knowing that I had to discuss the issue with Nezu. I started in my bathroom mirror, talking to myself.


"What are you doing (Y/N)?"

I froze in place, hearing that same tired voice speak.

"Oh, nothing...? Just, pep talks I need to give to my utterly stupid, idiotic self. What do you need?" I asked him.

"I just came to check up on you, especially since you're still recovering from the whole Eight Precepts incident."

I looked down at my sink, thinking about everything that had happened. 'Again...I let someone die in front of my eyes again...'

"Ah, I'm fine. I am still sore from all my wounds though."

I walked out of the bathroom, coming face-to-face with Shouta. I gestured to a seat in the corner, and we sat down to talk. "So, what's up?"

"I'm actually more concerned about you," Shouta answered. " You're not one to just yell at herself in the mirror. What's going on?"

I sighed quietly, knowing that he was smart enough to figure out what was going on inside my head. "Sorry. I-uh, didn't mean to do that. I just, something's been on my mind; ever since I joined the Agency, something big goes on in my life, there's always mentions of being a hero. Back when I protected that child, when Nighteye...died, anytime I hear that word, I think of...changing the foundations we work on. Being an agent, working in the shadows, it's all, in essence, corrupted. I...want to ask Chief Nezu if he'll change the Quirk training program, into one that trains our students into heroes."


"We are bound to break down if we continue to survive in the shadows. Shadows cannot survive without light. They're very different from darkness. We need a source of light to carry into the next era. And I feel that it needs to be our students. We need the change." I finished, looking down at my palms.

I waited in silence for his response. Panic bounced around inside my head. Eventually, it ate me up from the inside and I got up from my seat and rushed to my door. "Welp, I'll just wing it and do it, no regrets!!"

"Wait!" Shouta stopped me before I could carry out my plan. He stood up, and walked up to me, grasping my arm. "You...are crazy. But I know that you're smart enough to pull this off. And your idea is very logical."

"Is this 'logical' inside joke gonna continue to be a thing between us?"

"Most likely."

I giggled, and hugged him tightly, and ran off.


(3rd P.O.V.)

Shouta stood in (Y/N)'s room, slightly shocked at the contact. A slightly rosy blush crept onto his face as his lips unconsciously twitched upwards. He shook his head, and left her room.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V. 

I burst into Nezu's office as he was organizing some seventeen piles of papers, and almost dropped one. "Miss (L/N), it would be best to knock next time so as to not mess up these documents."

"Sorry sir, but I really need to talk to you about something." I apologized. He gestured to one of the chairs in front of his desk, and I sat down as he got out of his seat to make tea. He placed a tray on his desk, sat back down, poured two cups, and handed me one. I took a sip and listened to his words.

"I feel that whatever you want to speak about is an important manner. So do tell."

"Well, after the Eight Precepts incident, I've been thinking. This might've been happening lately because they have no one to be cautious of. Publicly. Agents can work in the public, but they can't represent the idea of justice enough. People have no one to follow and believe in, how can they believe in people who work in the shadows?" I explained my thoughts to him as he listened.

"Well, I can't say I disagree. But what can you mean by your words?" Nezu asked.

"I want to shift our views; we no longer need to train our students to become agents. We need them to become heroes."

Nezu shook his head. "I'm not sure that the transition to a hero society will be smooth or even guaranteed. A lot of factors have to go into this process; money, construction, curriculum, licensing. It would take almost years to pull off."

"But that's only necessary if we were to completely disintegrate the agent society. We can still keep it operating behind the shadows. But society needs someone to look up to. Someone they can rely on when something bad happens. Agents only deal with matters on a national scale. Pro agents can become teachers, while dealing with matters as agents after school hours." I negotiated.

"That does seem like it would be a good idea, but it would still take a lot of effort to pull off," Nezu said. "But it is possible. I would need help with all the legal documents, the media, et cetera. But I suggest you help me in this process since you suggested that we do this in the first place."

"I'm fine with that no problem. I studied law and politics in university for four years, I know how things like this go. Thank you, sir. And one more thing," I inquired. "Eri, what will happen to her?"

"We plan to have her under our custody, so that we can keep her Quirk under control. She's still young and it is hard to control. She can reverse a person's physical state, but it did not affect you when it was at its strongest."

"Well, I adopt her."

'What kind of impulsive decision did I just voice?!'

"If you do, then you'll need to manage the papers on your own, which'll take a few weeks. But when she is able to leave quarantine, you can take her in; let her get used to you."

I thanked him, and left his office, going back to my dorm and getting ready to visit Eri at the hospital.


I checked into the hospital and headed to the quarantined area, where Eri was being held. I viewed her through the window that separated us as she looked around the room from her bed. I had access to her room, so I entered, throwing caution to the wind.


The little girl flinched and turned to me, and let her guard down only a little. "...hello?"

"Hi there. Are you feeling okay?" I asked her.

She stayed silent. I understood why. She still had some mistrust in us. But I was willing to put in my own time to make her comfortable with me. 

"I know that you might not trust me yet, but I want to get to know you. Once you're released, is there anywhere you'd like to go?"  I asked Eri. 

She continued to keep her mouth closed, but then muttered, "...zoo."

"The zoo? Well, I won't disagree. When you get out, I'll come to get you and we can go together."


I hoped that this would help her open up.

Maybe it will.



Sorry I've been gone for a while. School began for me and I got lost in all the work I did. This chapter is shorter and not very well done, but I promise I'll get back to the good stuff.

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