Ch 24: In Kyoto...

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I fell asleep on the way to Kyoto and fell into a dream...


My vision was fuzzy, like a television screen. As it faded, I came face to face with the cold concrete floor. The world was blurred around me, and I could sense a wave of heat around us, accompanied by orange. Fire?

I looked to my right and I could oil? It was seeping out from under someone's body...oh, god. It's actually blood.

I tried moving my body toward it, but there was an invisible prickling force hindering my limbs. Grunting, I clenched my fists and dragged myself to the body to look at it. Finally arriving, I used all my strength to flip it over. It revealed...


My eyes cleared up, seeing the bloodied face of my friend.  I could see the cause of the blood: a gunshot wound on his lower left abdomen. I heard a groan escape his mouth. "He's alive! Hold on! I'm gonna heal you!"

I put my hands out over the wound to heal it, but then I felt a familiar pain course through me.

"Akui...He's here?" 

A sinister laugh rang out, and a figure stepped out from beyond the flames. THat stupid red hair threw me into a rage. "What do you want?!"

"Oh, nothing. But it is fun to see you in agony. You might not be hurt, but it's appealing to see you grieve for your comrades." Akui splayed out his hand, and Shouta writhed in pain next to me.

"Shouta! Akui let him go!!" I jumped at him but fell in pain. He cackled, walking slowly toward Shouta, a knife in hand.

"I swear, you better stay away from him!" I yell.

"Hm, only desperate people say that. And you, my dear, look quite desperate." He grabbed Shouta's hair and put a knife to his throat. I reached out to Shouta, tears welling in my eyes.



I woke up with a start, breathing heavily. 

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Shouta looked at me with concern.

"Uh, yeah. Where are we now?" I asked.

"We're just outside Kyoto now. We'll arrive at the station in a few minutes."

I sunk into my chair and sighed. I've had dreams from way back when I was a child that I can still remember, and yet none were as vivid as the one I had. I didn't want to admit it, but that was the first nightmare I've ever had. And I have a feeling it won't stop until I figure out what it could mean.

When the train finally arrived at the station, Shouta and I grabbed our luggage and we got off the train. We walked through the people flooding the station, making our way to the main hub where the bustling crowds weaved passed each other to get to their destination. We made our way to a cafe, ordering a snack to eat.

"So, what do you want to do? The festival is still two days away. Wanna go 'round Kyoto and look at all the scenery? I brought my camera!" I suggested.

"I guess. We came here to relax, so that's what we'll do. We'll check-in, go around for the rest of the day, then rest at our hotel. You got enough pocket money?" Shouta asked. I nodded. "Hizashi said he's been here before on a special for his radio show. He's going to send a plan of what we should do here to get the best experience."

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